Case: change only first letter, leave rest unchanged

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Case: change only first letter, leave rest unchanged

Postby vitamindimio » Sun Jul 24, 2022 4:40 pm

(submitted this but not sure it posted, trying again...)

How can I use BRU to change a folder named "jumpUpFolder" to "JumpUpFolder"? I.e., I want to change the case of only the first letter, but leave the remaining letters unchanged even if they are capitalized.

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Joined: Sun Jul 24, 2022 4:32 pm

Re: Case: change only first letter, leave rest unchanged

Postby Luuk » Sun Jul 24, 2022 5:42 pm

With a checkmark inside of "v2", the RegEx(1) can use a "Match" and "Replace" like...

The (.*) matches all characters in the filename, and then \u just says "uppercase the next-character only".
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Re: Case: change only first letter, leave rest unchanged

Postby therube » Tue Jul 26, 2022 4:03 pm

I want to change the case of only the first letter, but leave the remaining letters unchanged even if they are capitalized.

My first thought was that it should do just that.
But, it seems that in fact the "correct" action is to do just what it does.

That said, I would think many would find an option to do what you say, to be beneficial.
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Re: Case: change only first letter, leave rest unchanged

Postby Admin » Wed Jul 27, 2022 10:05 am

thanks, I have added this as a request for next release.... for Case (4)
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