Ability to 'AND' filter multiple strings in Selections(12)

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Ability to 'AND' filter multiple strings in Selections(12)

Postby wessin » Sat Mar 14, 2015 12:22 am

It would be useful sometimes to be able to filter on multiple strings in the Selections(12) section. For example, if you have files like so:

A filename with a string AAAA
A filename with a string BBBB
A filename with a string CCCC
A filename with a string DDDD

Then in the Selections(12) field you could do something filter: AAAA+CCCC (or maybe AAAA|CCCC) to only change files with those 2 strings and ignore the other 2 files. For large folders or files across many folders, it requires a lot of CTRL-clicking to select only the files you want to change.
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Joined: Wed May 09, 2012 9:54 pm

Re: Ability to 'AND' filter multiple strings in Selections(12)

Postby Admin » Mon Jan 11, 2016 11:18 am

This is now supported in ver. 3 using Filter (12) -> Condition
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