RFE: Allow SendTo

Would you like Bulk Rename Utility to offer new functionality? Post your comments here!

RFE: Allow SendTo

Postby therube » Fri Jun 03, 2016 4:16 pm

RFE: Allow SendTo

Currently you can drag&drop (Drag and Drop) a list of files/directories into the BRU window, but it might also be nice to be able to allow the usage of a SendTo (Send To) context menu item to send the same to BRU.
(As far as I'm concerned, the actual setting up of the SendTo link (.lnk) could be done manually.)

Likewise, an option to clear the list, first, before the SendTo items are put into the list.
(The same option could also apply to drag&drop operations - instead of needing to manually hold down the Ctrl key.)

(Oops. I guess this belongs in, Suggestions.)
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