Strip off part of filename and use it as a new folder name

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Strip off part of filename and use it as a new folder name

Postby jshore » Wed Feb 11, 2015 5:40 pm

What I want to do is take a bunch of files and sort them into folders according to part of the filename, but also strip off that part from the filename.

For example, my files all start with the name of the particular student, say "John Doe". So, I would like the, say, 5 files that start with "John Doe -" to all now be put into a (sub)folder named "John Doe" and for the "John Doe" to be stripped off of the filename, so that ifa file was called "John Doe-program1.m", it would end up in the folder "John Doe" with the name "program1.m"

Since all the filenames have a dash in them after the student's name, I tried to just change that dash to a "\" since this should in principle do the trick, but alas it wouldn't let me do that because it said "\" cannot appear in the filename.

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