Navigating through folders with cursor keys

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Navigating through folders with cursor keys

Postby ProvPC » Mon Jan 06, 2020 6:52 am

I've recently upgraded to the latest version of Bulk Rename Utility (which is a fantastic tool, by the way!) and something seems to have changed. It may be that I need to adjust a setting, but if so, I can't seem to locate it.

On occasion, I need to rename files in several hundred folders at one sitting. I do this by click on a folder in the left-hand pane, then clicking on a file in the right-hand pane and pressing CRTL-A to highlight all of them, the clicking on the Rename button. Repeat. And repeat. And repeat...

When doing so many folders at one sitting, it's easy to accidentally miss one or two. It used to be that when I was done, I'd click on the topmost folder, and then simply (and very quickly!) press the down cursor key to speed through the list. It made it very easy to see when something was missed, because the contents of the right-hand pane would be noticeably lacking in uniformity with the folders before and after.

When I tried that this evening, I noted that pressing the down cursor key does still show the contents of the next folder, but it also seems to automatically select the first form field, requiring me to resort to the mouse to choose the next folder down. It's MUCH faster to press the down arrow 400 times, than to click and move the mouse over and over again.

Is there some way for me to get around this? Or am I doing something wrong?
Posts: 9
Joined: Mon Jan 06, 2020 6:38 am

Re: Navigating through folders with cursor keys

Postby therube » Thu Jan 09, 2020 2:08 am


Pressing down-arrow, when the directory tree has focus, moves focus to the 1:RegEx box rather then progressing down the tree.

BRU works correctly.
BRU does not.
(I didn't particularly check other versions.)
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Joined: Mon Jan 18, 2016 6:23 pm

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