Important BRU Enhancements - Add a 'Remove' Negative Value

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Important BRU Enhancements - Add a 'Remove' Negative Value

Postby dec » Tue Sep 19, 2023 7:38 am

BRU is a fantastic super powerful app as it is - which is why it is all the more obvious the few glaring missing/erroneous functions.

The most important one, imo, is an function/coding inconsistency - the Add Function has a 'hidden' feature in that it takes a NEGATIVE value, ie it can work from either the start OR the end of the file name string - which is extremely useful; however, the important problem is that the Remove Function does NOT have the same function, ie it does NOT take a negative value so we cannot Remove FROM THE END - which is massively important/useful - because often the start of the file name might be always different, whereas the text string at the end of the file name might be consistent (in length).

(I thought there was another Function where this also applied, but i can't seem to see which one now; but Remove is the most important)
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Re: Important BRU Enhancements - Add a 'Remove' Negative Value

Postby therube » Tue Sep 19, 2023 4:57 pm

we cannot Remove FROM THE END

5:Remove, First n: 0 (leave at 0), Last n: 3 (remove from the END, the last # of characters)
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Re: Important BRU Enhancements - Add a 'Remove' Negative Value

Postby dec » Thu Sep 21, 2023 8:29 am

therube wrote:
we cannot Remove FROM THE END

5:Remove, First n: 0 (leave at 0), Last n: 3 (remove from the END, the last # of characters)

you're right@!

silly me!

i was so focussed on the same functionality/structure/process as 'Add', i forgot/didn't notice the separate function for Remove

BUT ... that still leaves my implied/related point - the process/es/structure, as is, are inconsistent, and should be fix so they (Remove/Add - AND others, both work in the same way
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Joined: Thu Oct 14, 2021 6:31 am

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