Suggestion and Thanks

Post any Bulk Rename Utility support requirements here. Open to all registered users.

Suggestion and Thanks

Postby st1 » Mon Jul 04, 2005 7:45 pm

I have used this program for a while along with a web downloader, and it is great. Switching to a different downloader ( it does javascript) your option of moving files to a different directory is just in time.
A minor annoyance is that after regular expression selection/parsing the file-copy is of all READ files rather than altered files. Is there something I am missing in the capabilities, or does this require another tick-box in the program?
Again thank you for a useful program,


Postby Admin » Tue Jul 05, 2005 8:34 am

Hi, can you clarify? I'm afraid I do not understand your question.

Site Admin
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Joined: Tue Mar 08, 2005 8:39 pm


Postby st1 » Tue Jul 12, 2005 3:45 am

Jim, 050711
Given about 200 files named:
text1&number1&text2number2text3. ( no extension)
I can with a regexp select the (approximately 30) files I wish and rename them to=>
I currently must select the green (altered) files before renaming with copy. It would be convenient if - with all files in directory selected - only the files with modified filenames are copied. Currently all the selected items are copied. I looked through the menu items, but could not find an appropriate switch.
Though it may be that altering the location of an instruction would yield the behavior I wish ( minor setback), altering the program in such a way may break user's existing 'scripts.' Having no idea which result is more generally useful, it is hard to guess whether to modify the behavior of the program or add another switch?

Thank You,

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