BRU file not loading correctly on start up

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BRU file not loading correctly on start up

Postby chris millward » Sun Jun 26, 2022 10:22 am

I have a 'Basic.bru' file that loads on start up.
I decided to make it open 'Subfolders' on start up and indeed if you look at the new 'Basic.bru' you can see that Subfolders=1
However when I start up 'Subfolders' in the 'Filters' section is NOT enabled. Other boxes such as 'Folders' or 'Hidden' seem to work OK
using 'File>Open' from the file dropdown box DOES enable 'Subfolder's as does Revert!
chris millward
Posts: 7
Joined: Thu Feb 18, 2016 5:33 pm

Re: BRU file not loading correctly on start up

Postby therube » Mon Jun 27, 2022 4:55 pm

However when I start up 'Subfolders' in the 'Filters' section is NOT enabled.

I can't seem to duplicate that?
(When I startup, Subfolders is enabled.)

See also, File | Open filename.bru does not load Path (which is actually more then just what the subject says) as maybe something there is playing into what you're seeing?
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Joined: Mon Jan 18, 2016 6:23 pm

Re: BRU file not loading correctly on start up

Postby chris millward » Tue Jun 28, 2022 11:49 am

Start up loads the .bru in use at the time of closing. It doesn't matter which of my .bru files I use, it will fail to set 'subfolders' on start up.
At first I thought that maybe start up used a different path that pointed to to some other 'old' .bru, perhaps on my C: drive.
( I use another drive D: for software data to minimises read/writes as C: is a solid state drive and it also makes backups easier for software data).
I have searched for alternative .bru's but the only ones that exist are those that I can see on my D: drive.
As I have said, I can see that 'Subfolders=1', but somehow the procedure to load it must be different to the procedure to load it using 'Revert' or 'File>open'.
I am using Windows 10 and Bulk Rename utility 64-bit (Unicode) Version
chris millward
Posts: 7
Joined: Thu Feb 18, 2016 5:33 pm

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