Selective Capitalization

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Selective Capitalization

Postby Fatbat » Wed Apr 09, 2008 4:39 pm

My first post here, so let me say hello!

I am having difficulties with capitalization.

I would like to use title case but exclude some instances. I understand the exceptions, but let's say I would like to exclude "a". For example, "on a mission" would become "On a Mission". Fine, I would add "a" to the exceptions. Except now every word that starts with "a" stays lower case.

In the example above, the sentence starts with "On", and since that is the first word of the title I would like it capitalized. However, if "on" appears in the middle of a title, I would like it to stay lower case.

Another example...

(soma 207) silicone soul - the pact

I would like the characters between the ( and ) to stay lower case but the rest to change to (soma 207) Silicone Soul - The Pact.

Can you use regular expressions with capitalization?
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Joined: Wed Apr 09, 2008 3:54 pm

Re: Selective Capitalization

Postby Admin » Wed Apr 09, 2008 4:48 pm


I've looked into this before, trying to provide a better solution. Title case is such a subjective issue, as many people have their own rules (though "a" is widely accepted, I agree). You could solve the "a" case by using the Character Translation facility, replacing a space+A+space with space+a+space (032,065,032=032,097,032) but it's not elegant. I'm not sure if you could use a RegExp or not.

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Re: Selective Capitalization

Postby Fatbat » Wed Apr 09, 2008 5:01 pm

Thanks for the quick reply Jim, much appreciated.

Maybe it should be a feature request, but perhaps a simple tick box to ignore the first character of a title in exceptions would be good. So users choose to except, "the:a:on:in" etc. unless the title starts with one of those.

I'm not very good with RegExp so the syntax may be wrong in this example, but it would be ideal to be able to use them in the case exceptions, so a user could say something like "the:a:on:in:(*)" to ignore any characters that appeared between round brackets or similar.
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Joined: Wed Apr 09, 2008 3:54 pm

Re: Selective Capitalization

Postby Admin » Wed Apr 09, 2008 9:09 pm

Could be tricky. What if a title was

1935 a Day in the life

Should that be "1935 A Day..." or "1935 a Day..." ?

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