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Cannot Install BRU Command Line

PostPosted: Wed Jun 17, 2015 12:58 am
by snlgroup
Good evening, I am running a windows 7 64bit machine. I've installed the gUI solution and it work fine. I need to schedule the file name changes so I attempted to install the command line version with no success. I've downloaded the zip file, extracted it, ran the BRC64 application extension (nothing much happens), registered the pcre.dll and still nothing.

Any assistance would be appreciated.


How to Install Use BRC 'Bulk Rename Command' Command Line Ut

PostPosted: Wed Jun 17, 2015 8:57 am
by Stefan
Hi and welcome.

snlgroup wrote:Good evening, I am running a windows 7 64bit machine.
I've installed the gUI solution and it work fine.
I need to schedule the file name changes so I attempted to install the command line version with no success.
I've downloaded the zip file, extracted it, ran the BRC64 application extension (nothing much happens),
registered the pcre.dll and still nothing.

Any assistance would be appreciated.


What do you mean with """ran the BRC64 application extension (nothing much happens)""" ?
The command line tool BRC must not become "installed" anyway, just unpack and use.

This is a command line tool. Please follow the guidelines from
the command-line is the non-GUI way to perform commands on your PC.
... with Windows you have to access the command-line by clicking Start, Run, then typing cmd

Also you may want to read the .CHM help for more information:
Launching the Bulk Rename Command utility

The utility is invoked from a command line simply by typing BRC.exe.
This in itself will not yield much, just a simple prompt to tell you to supply arguments!
These arguments (parameters) are detailed within this help file, and they are grouped according to what you are trying to do.

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Not mentioned in the help, but common known (maybe not that much this days for younger people?):

You have tell the system where to find the BRC.exe (named this days BRC32.exe or BRC64.exe).

Either quote the full path to the *.exe,
like 'X:\Downloads\Commandline\BRC\Brc32.exe',

or put that path to the system environment variable PATH,

or drop the Exe into a folder, which is already mentioned in that PATH variable.

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So here I will tell one simple way how to use BRC.exe:

Download BRC ("Bulk Rename Command") from

Either (work on 64-bit window too)

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The ZIP archive you can just unpack with a tool like 7zip, to, for example: 'D:\BRC_Unicode_32'
Best for now, to avoid complication on use, use an path without any blank spaces in folder names!!!
(And Note: the file 'prce.dll' is used internally by BRC for the RegEx engine, and must not be registered as an DLL from you)

Next, for a first test (on Windows 7), hold down the Shift-key and right click the unpacked folder.
Chose "Open command window here" and a "DOS-Box" window will appear.
(If that not works for you, use 'Start, Run, then type cmd', next navigate to the BRC folder)

In that new window type 'brc32.exe' (or brc64.exe respectively) and press the Enter key. BRC will greet you.
(Extra Tip: no need to add the '.exe' part after 'BRC32' or 'brc64', as long as WindowsTM knows what you want)

Type 'brc32 /?' to get the full help. Scroll up to read from start.
Type 'brc32 /? > Help.txt' to create a new text file with that content for easy reading.
Also you should read the BRC.chm or PDF get some information how to use this tool.

For example read "Selection of Files and Folders for Processing >> /DIR:Directory - The directory to process"
So use e.g.
' D:\BRC_Unicode_32>BRC32.exe /DIR:"D:\rive\to\Pictures\Vac2015" '
to work on files in that folder.

Enter that above command into the DOS-Box and press Enter, you will get a list of all files in that folder.
Add ' /PATTERN:*.jpg ' to only list files of that typ.
' D:\BRC_Unicode_32>BRC32.exe /DIR:"D:\rive\to\Pictures\Vac2015" /PATTERN:*.jpg '

As next add some commands to manipulate the file names, as e.g. '/CHANGECASE:U'
Your whole command line should now look as like
' D:\BRC_Unicode_32>BRC32.exe /DIR:"D:\rive\to\Pictures\Vac2015" /PATTERN:*.jpg /CHANGECASE:U '
Enter that above command into the DOS-Box and press Enter, you will see what would happen. (nothing will be renamed right now)

Tip: redirect this output to a file, so you have a log file, from where you can do an UNDO if necessary.
' D:\BRC_Unicode_32>BRC32.exe /DIR:"D:\rive\to\Pictures\Vac2015" /PATTERN:*.jpg /CHANGECASE:U > UndoList.txt '
This 'UndoList.txt' is not usable as it, it needs some additional work, but at least you have something to work on.

Ok, so you've specified all your arguments, but nothing's happening. Well, you need to pass one last argument:
For a real performing the renaming action, don't forget to add an '/EXECUTE' - this command actually invokes the rename.
' D:\BRC_Unicode_32>BRC32.exe /DIR:"D:\rive\to\Pictures\Vac2015" /PATTERN:*.jpg /CHANGECASE:U /EXECUTE '
Read the help for more switches and details.

- - -

Another way to work with BRC is to start from the folder with the picture, and call BRC from there:

Open a DOS-Box and navigate to the folder with the picture, e.g.: "D:\rive\to\Pictures\Vac2015"
' D:\rive\to\Pictures\Vac2015> '

Now call BRC from there:
' D:\rive\to\Pictures\Vac2015>D:\BRC_Unicode_32\BRC32.exe '

This way, you don't have to use the '/Dir:<path>' command, as you are already there:
' D:\rive\to\Pictures\Vac2015>D:\BRC_Unicode_32\BRC32.exe /PATTERN:*.jpg /CHANGECASE:U '

- - -

Please take care to use quotes "..." every time your arguments (e.g. path or pattern) contains spaces.
E.g.: ' /DIR:"C:\My Documents" ' and ' /PATTERN:"*.jpg *.tif *.bmp" '

- - -

If you going to use BRC more often, you can also

- just copy the BRC32.exe and the prce.dll into a folder in the PATH,
(See DOS-Box, type 'SET PATH'), e.g. just into 'C:\Windows'

- or add the path of the unpacked ZIP Archive to the PATH variable:
(First be sure to have that folder at a nice place, as on moving it afterwards will break this work)

To change the system environment variables, follow the below steps.
From the desktop, right-click My Computer and click Properties.
In the System Properties window, click on the Advanced tab.
In the Advanced section, click the Environment Variables button.
Finally, in the Environment Variables window, highlight the Path variable in the Systems Variable section and click the Edit button.
Add or modify the path lines with the paths you wish the computer to access.
Each different directory is separated with a semicolon as shown below:
C:\Program Files;C:\Winnt;C:\Winnt\System32
Just add a semicolon and the wanted path to the end, as (no need to use quotes here):
C:\Program Files;C:\Winnt;C:\Winnt\System32;D:\BRC_Unicode_32\

That both ways you can call BRC just by using the name of the exe file:
' D:\rive\to\Pictures\Vac2015>BRC32.exe /PATTERN:*.jpg /CHANGECASE:U '

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