Directory and filter not retained

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Directory and filter not retained

Postby murphy » Fri Jul 01, 2005 9:42 am

After spending some hours on spotting the best file name utility I decided that the BRU can do most of the things others can do, but with a far more concise user interface.

BUT! The help file says:

"In addition, whenever you re-launch the application most of the settings from your previous session will be retained, such as the directory and file-filter you were using."

But they are not! (BRU always starts with "Desktop" when launched from the start menu.) Why?

Postby Admin » Fri Jul 01, 2005 12:46 pm

They are, but only when you use a Favourite. You can just use a single Favourites file if you don't want to use separate files. Also, remember to tick the "store pathname in favourite" option (or whatever it's called, I'm not at my PC just now).

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