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Can BRU do this?

PostPosted: Fri Sep 20, 2013 8:23 am
by deady
I'm overwhelmed after trying to figure out the interface and reading these forums, so instead of fumbling around for hours, I thought I'd ask if BRU can do what I need. I want to batch convert music folder names only (not files inside) to a uniform format using the info that's already in the folder name. Example is below.

Current format:
Bach (1987) - Violin Concertos No. 1
Mozart - Early Compositions [2001]
Shostakovitch - Summer Favourites - 2009

Desired result:
Bach - 1987 - Violin Concertos No. 1
Bach - 1993 - Violin Concertos No. 2
Beethoven - 2002 - Sonatas In Concert
Mozart - 2001 - Early Compositions
Shostakovitch - 2009 - Summer Favourites

So the criteria I am hoping BRU can do are:
1. Strip away underscores, dashes, and brackets
2. Leave the first word of the folder name as is; add a "-" with spaces after it
3. Move any 4-digit numbers (as in years) after that first word; add a "-" with spaces after it
4. Render the remaining text and numbers at the end of the folder name

Move 4digit years, Remove brackets, hyphens, underscores

PostPosted: Sat Sep 21, 2013 11:57 am
by truth
Unless you're willing to go command-prompt, its gonna take 2 renames, I dont see a way around it
The problem is you cant use Space-Space separators and remove any of those same chars in 1 run
Also, some examples need to replace _ with space (versus removing), same thing with hyphens
Heres a 2-step solution using @ as the separator, best I can do for now:

--- Rename 1 ---
Options/CharTranslations: Both end as EqualSpace (converts _ and - into space)
([^ _-]+)(.*)(\d\d\d\d)(.*)
\1 @ \3 @ \2\4
Folders=Checked (all else unchecked)
Be careful selecting DirNames, since both CharTrans & 5Remove can match them.

--- Rename 2 ---
Kill CharTranslations, 1Regex, & 5Remove
1Regex (fix DirNames ending with space)
(.*) $
3Replace: @ with -