Rename Folders Using Comma?

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Rename Folders Using Comma?

Postby derschel » Sat Mar 29, 2014 5:59 am


I need to combine two large folders. Each folder has dozens of other folders with author names that contain my ebook collection.

In one folder, I stupidly named them (by author) as "First Name Last Name", while in many recent ones I've used "Last Name, First Name". I prefer the latter.

Is there a way I can quickly batch convert a whole bunch of folders entitled "George Orwell" and "Neil Gaiman" into "Orwell, George" and "Gaiman, Neil"?

I have tried to figure it out using Bulk Rename and can't make it work. Thanks in advance!

Posts: 1
Joined: Sat Mar 29, 2014 5:51 am

LastName, Firstname

Postby truth » Tue Apr 01, 2014 2:50 am

Below settings will handle the given examples:

12Folders=Checked (Files unchecked)
12Filter=* !*,*

1Regex match/replace:
(.+) (.+)
\2, \1

The 12Filter prevents touching any DirNames with a comma.
The 1Regex assumes that a final space separates FirstName from LastName.
Post back with more examples if you need anything more specific.
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Re: Rename Folders Using Comma?

Postby xileos » Wed Apr 23, 2014 6:08 am

Thank you for this. It has saved me so much time and typing. Quick question though-- I've got hundreds of folders named like this: "MarkTwain". If I add the space manually like this-- "Mark Twain", then your method works and the folder will rename to "Twain, Mark". Is there a quick way to add a space between "Mark" and "Twain"?

NinjaEdit: Bah, I'm dumb. Just found another post that says all you have to do is use Add (7), and check the box that says wordspace. Plz ignore.
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Joined: Wed Apr 23, 2014 5:34 am

LastName, Firstname

Postby truth » Fri Apr 25, 2014 5:20 am

No worries, my version doesnt have 7WordSpace, so I'm used to working without it!
If anyone needs a 1step-solution for names like MarkTwain (no spaces or commas):

^([^ ,]+)([A-Z][^ ,]+)$
\2, \1

It assumes Lastname may only have one Uppercase-char,
& wont touch names with either a space or comma.
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Location: Earth, OrionArm, MilkyWay

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