Restructuring PDF File Names

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Restructuring PDF File Names

Postby hydriv » Mon Apr 28, 2014 1:02 pm

To begin with, I am not a very computer savvy guy. However, I did conduct a search using "PDF" as the criteria and looked at 6 pages of threads before asking the following.

Background info - I am having an on-line forum built for me. The developer is using phpBB in conjunction with WordPress. The site will have a library using WordPress. The library is awaiting the uploading of 600 PDF's that are currently residing in My Documents in my PC.

The developer has told me that the File Names chosen by me must be revamped.

I am to remove all spaces and replace them with an underscore.

I am to remove all commas, ampersands, question marks, quotation marks etc

There are two versions of each file. One version is the original PDF. The 2nd version is the watermarked copy of the original PDF.

Both versions reside in My Documents sequentially.

It is only necessary to rename the watermarked versions BUT.... if it will speed up loading, I am not against renaming both versions simultaneously. However, since many of the original PDF's cannot be replaced, there is a concern about their safety during this renaming process. I am sure you understand.

I have not examined the software as of yet. I am asking if the software is capable of removing all unwanted characters by naming them and also removing all the spaces and replacing them with an underscore in a single operation?

Should I have any concerns regarding my documents being corrupted in any way?

I trust that I have given you adequate information to formulate a reply.

Thank you.
Posts: 1
Joined: Mon Apr 28, 2014 12:18 pm

Re: Restructuring PDF File Names

Postby truth » Thu May 01, 2014 1:54 pm

Yes, Options/CharTrans would handle the conversions.

BRU cant overwrite files unless Options/OverwriteTargetFiles=Checked
Even then, overwrites of pre-existing filenames may be avoided with Options/PreventDuplicates
(It appends _# to NewName if needed)

BRU only affects filenames, not file-data, so file-corruption is not an issue.
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