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Append batch of similar-named files with different suffixes

PostPosted: Wed Dec 17, 2014 2:02 am
by subsmaster
I have a batch of similar-named files.

For example, let's take a series with 10 episodes, with filenames as follows:

S01E01 - .mp4
S01E02 - .mp4
S01E10 - .mp4

And every episode has a different episode name.

And there is a document with only the different suffixes (here, episode names) in the exact order, as follows:


So the end result should be:

S01E01 - AA.mp4
S01E02 - BB.mp4
S01E10 - JJ.mp4

So is there a way to add the episode names just before the "." of the extension starts?

Hope the problem is clear with the example given.

Re: Append batch of similar-named files with different suffixes

PostPosted: Mon Dec 22, 2014 12:57 am
by Admin
Maybe try "Renaming From A Text File" , see BRU help file. thanks

Re: Append batch of similar-named files with different suffixes

PostPosted: Mon Dec 22, 2014 6:59 am
by subsmaster
Admin wrote:Maybe try "Renaming From A Text File" , see BRU help file. thanks

Thanks a lot for the suggestion.

But then the text file needs to be in the certain format specified. Which means, it'll take time to get the text file to that exact format.
I was looking for an easier solution.
Maybe a macro which starts appending filenames from the top of the list episode-wise.

Any help would be appreciated. "Work your brains, mates."