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EXIF rename by "HMS" (hour minute second)

PostPosted: Tue Sep 06, 2016 11:26 am
by Bernhard

I am trying to rename files files from EXIF Data.

Mode: Prefix
Type: Taken (Original)

Here I do find otpions like:
DMY (day month year)
MDY (month day year)
YMD (year month day)
and Custom

what I am looking for is:

HMS (hour minute sec)
I need the Hour first, minute after and then seconds.

If i type that (HMS) into Custom - i just get a Prefix with what ever I type in the box.
I tried to use HMS in the Custom box - that wont do the job.

I am sure its possible. Was searching here on board - but no clue so far.

Thank you in advance -


Re: EXIF rename by "HMS" (hour minute second)

PostPosted: Tue Sep 06, 2016 1:19 pm
by Bernhard
Ok - i found the solution. in Custom I needed to add:

%H %M %S

Problem solved.