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Number Padding with Zeros (existing files)

PostPosted: Wed May 03, 2017 3:54 pm
by lithiumus
I've seen the other pose on number padding but correct me if I'm wrong, I might have a different situation...

I've got existing files that have numbers near the end of the filename with Brackets that I would like to pad with zeros. I do not want to remove the numbers or change any of them, just add zero padding. So if there is a sequence (1), (2), (4), (5) and the digits go as high as (1000), I'd like to change them to (0001), (0002), (0004), (0005). Can this be done? Thanks for your help!

Re: Number Padding with Zeros (existing files)

PostPosted: Wed May 03, 2017 5:45 pm
by lithiumus
OK. After some research and playing around with Regex, I was able to get what I needed using BRU and Regex. It requires multiple passes but honestly, after 3 passes you are basically renaming 1000 files so it's worth it.

I used some of the info from the previous posts. My numbers were inside brackets so I used \( but you can use other required characters that help you with the groupings...


.+ matches all characters
\( up to and including the open bracket "("

That's the first group

\d any digit (single digit)
\) up to and including the closed bracket ")"

That's the second group. For the first pass, this will get all the single character digits. Simply insert an additional \d for every digit... tens, hundreds as needed.


\10 Prepend the first group, add a zero
\2 append the second group

So run it with


to get all the single digits then...


to get all the double digits then if needed...


to get all the triple digits.

There is probably a more elegant solution but this is what I hacked up quickly that works...

Re: Number Padding with Zeros (existing files)

PostPosted: Thu May 04, 2017 1:54 am
by Admin
There's the possibility to do all with one pass using Javascript , see Special (14). But if one pass is not required, your solution works just as well!

Re: Number Padding with Zeros (existing files)

PostPosted: Thu May 04, 2017 9:03 am
by KenP
Assuming you want to end up with 4 digits between the parenthesis in each file-name, i.e. (0001), (0010), (0100), this can be done with regex in 2 passes.

RegEx (1)
Match: (.*\()(\d*\))
Replace: \1000\2


RegEx (1)
Match: (.*\()\d*(\d{4}\))
Replace: \1\2