Would you like Bulk Rename Utility to offer new functionality? Post your comments here!


Postby DerekO » Mon Apr 10, 2017 1:08 am


First of all, great program. I've been using BRU for perhaps 12+ years, so I've seen it progress through many iterations. In that time I've tried every bulk renaming utility available and BRU consistently rises to the top (at least for me). I downloaded the latest version today and I'm a little disappointed at the use of real estate in the GUI... so I took a quick minute to draw a mock up for a suggested GUI. I think scrolling through the various renaming options would be much cleaner and a much better use of space. I'm not a coder by any stretch of the imagination so I have no idea if it would be possible (or even functional), but I think it would at least be worth giving it a shot.


Take care!
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Postby Admin » Mon Apr 10, 2017 4:54 am

Hello, thanks, yes in the next update we will make the controls collapsible to create more space for the list when needed. thanks
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Postby Panchdara » Sat Apr 29, 2017 8:14 am

Derek... nice one! I think you'll find 100% users are looking for the same. As one of the best utilities out there (IMHO), I'm surprised it's taken so long. However, I'm sure we'll be more than pleasantly surprised when we see the update (when? dunno). :wink:
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Postby freevalley » Wed Jan 17, 2018 9:15 pm

Oh my goodness, please implement hiding/collapsing controls asap! After not using it for a while, I just reinstalled it (remembering how much I loved it before) and was immediately overwhelmed with all the new controls. It's great that there are more capabilities, but the controls take up half the screen.

As a UX designer trying to give constructive criticism, it honestly does not make me feel good to use this right now like it used to. DerekO's suggestion might be ok, but it's nice to see all the controls you've used to manipulate the names all at once. I believe it would be better to give users a way to customize the controls they see - like check boxes in an options menu that toggle the controls displayed (like Adobe does with some of their programs).

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Postby Admin » Thu Jan 18, 2018 12:06 am

Hi, we will make the controls collapsible so only the ones actually used will be visible.
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Postby DerekO » Fri Jan 26, 2018 12:29 pm

I have rolled back to version which has a much better use of screen real estate. It can be found on the web.
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Postby Jack2 » Thu Nov 15, 2018 1:18 pm


I guess this comes under GUI and I guess that it's already in-hand, but please also consider support for High Dots Per Inch (DPI) screens.

With my BRU ver on a QHD+ (3200x1800) screened laptop, I only get 12 lines of filenames visible. (screenprint QHD)

Sending the output to an external HD (1280x720) monitor, I can see 28 lines. (Screenprint HD)

No amount of fiddling with Windows scaling/compatability settings seems to make a difference (Win10 Home 1803).

The collapsable controls in the new version will be a help, but I guess that there are also potential underlying DPI/scaling matters to consider as well. e.g. I notice that the field labels in Derek's screenprint are about twice the size of mine, relative to the other text.

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Postby Admin » Thu Nov 15, 2018 11:15 pm

Hi, BRU needs to be adapted still to very high res displays. However I am using it on a 4K monitor and can see a lot of files in the list. Your BRU fonts seem to be too big? Did you change some scaling?
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Postby Jack2 » Mon Jun 29, 2020 7:46 am

Further to the previous post.... a couple of years later; a new machine (a lower resolution 1080p/HD 14" laptop); and a few new releases of BRU (currently, Ver - I'm still having the same problem!

Windows have made some improvements to their scaling settings (UI), so I decided to go digging into it again.

I have found a workaround and some diagnostic information. I'm sharing these here that they might help with making a long-term fix.

- - -

On the new HD machine, I see 6 lines of files
(Actually, that's with the BRU window not maximimised. If I snap the window to 'maximised', it goes down to three lines of files visible:

-Selecting all combinations of settings under Windows Compatibility Mode, made no improvements (a few of them stretched the text out horizontally, but nothing useful)

Under Windows Settings >Display >Scale and layout >Change the size of text, apps and other items

-My Windows Scaling is set to the default: '150% (recommended)'
I see 6 lines of files in BRU (or 3 lines when the window is maximised).

-If I reduce the scaling to 125%,
I see a small improvement in BRU (9 lines of files visible; or 6 when the window is maximised).

-But if I reduce the scaling to 100%,
then I get a step-change improvement, seeing 22 lines of files
(or 20 when maximised)

So, it seems that it is, indeed a scaling issue. I hope that this helps y'all to figure-out a longer term solution. Maybe it's worth a note in the user manual incase other people are suffering in silence!

Of course, the F9 function helps, but it is also useful to see both the controls and the files concurrently; and I can't leave the PC's scaling at 100% as this makes most other apps illegible.


OS Windows 10 Home (currently ver 2003, but also on all previous versions of Windows 10.
14" HD Laptop
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Postby Jack2 » Mon Jun 29, 2020 7:53 am

I'll try doing those links again
with 150% scaling (recommended) _


with 100% scaling _
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Postby Admin » Tue Jun 30, 2020 1:00 am

Hi, thanks for the screenshots. Did you try using a smaller font in BRU ? The option is in the menu "Display Options", does that help? thanks
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Postby Jack2 » Tue Jun 30, 2020 7:37 am


I hadn't, but I have now. The effect varies a lot, again, depending on the scaling used in the OS. Scaling has much more impact than fontsize.

All possible combinations and permutations are summarised below.

First a point of order - I wasn't quite clear from the user manual as-to how many BRU font sizes exist. ?Three (Smaller, Default (Reset), Larger); or is 'smaller' just relative to the current size, and invoking (and restarting) it twice (,three times) gets you to still smaller and smaller fonts.

Well, it turns out that it's the latter, up to a point. Depending on the OS scaling, beyond a certain point, the options to keep changing the font size either become greyed-out in the menus, or continue to be available in the menus, but stop having any effect in the app. I have tested all available increases & decreases as far as possible/productive.

Results Main. summary:
The numbers in the main body of this table represent the number of files/lines visible in BRU's main list of files to be altered. A bigger number means that the app's options settings are taking up less space and more lines of userdata can be displayed (which is a good thing, in my book).
From the data, you can see that altering font sizes in the app does make a difference, but quite a small difference. Altering scaling has a much bigger impact.

Screenshots of each fontsize and OS-Scaling are here:
(all thses screenshots are from the usecase of a regular (unmaximised, "un-F9"d) window)


Since I had the numbers in a spreadsheet, I did a bit more analysis:
2 The percentage-difference in number of files visible, relative to the last scaling factor (i.e. the impact of reducing the scaling factor) for each scenario.
e.g. a value of 100% means that the number of lines visible at this OS scaling factor is twice that (100% more) than at the previous (bigger) scaling factor

3 The percentage-difference in number of files visible, relative to the next-larger BRU font size (i.e. the impact of reducing the BRU font size) for each scenario
e.g. a value of 60% means that there are 60% more lines visible by using the current sized font, rather than using the next-bigger sized font.
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