Autonumber BREAK option?

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Autonumber BREAK option?

Postby woogher » Tue Nov 12, 2019 12:30 am

I'm needing to rename files in multiple sub-folders with autonumbering. I have everything working, except for the autonumbering. In BRU within Numbering(10) you can choose to have the autonumbering break and start over at each folder. I can't seem to find if this is possible with BRC. Any help would be appreciated.

Ex. (This is the second folder in the Processing order. The first folder numbers correctly.)
Processing Folder D:\Temp\Test folder\007139512\
Filename 007859_689467_15310422_11042019_1200_20190319_16033_370633.pdf would be renamed to 007139512_GP_NB.pdf
Filename 007859_689467_15310422_11042019_1200_20190716_16033_385866.pdf would be renamed to 007139512_GQ_NB.pdf
Filename 007859_689467_15310422_11042019_1200_20190716_16033_385867.pdf would be renamed to 007139512_GR_NB.pdf

Should be:
Processing Folder D:\Temp\Test folder\007139512\
Filename 007859_689467_15310422_11042019_1200_20190319_16033_370633.pdf would be renamed to 007139512_A_NB.pdf
Filename 007859_689467_15310422_11042019_1200_20190716_16033_385866.pdf would be renamed to 007139512_B_NB.pdf
Filename 007859_689467_15310422_11042019_1200_20190716_16033_385867.pdf would be renamed to 007139512_C_NB.pdf
Posts: 1
Joined: Tue Nov 12, 2019 12:19 am

Re: Autonumber BREAK option?

Postby therube » Tue Nov 12, 2019 6:47 pm

(Does not appear that BRC offers that ability.
Posts: 1349
Joined: Mon Jan 18, 2016 6:23 pm

Re: Autonumber BREAK option?

Postby bru » Tue Jan 21, 2020 10:36 am

The best way is to place your BRC-command in a FOR loop, so that it restarts for each SubFolder.
It also lets you use filespecs to better control which SubFolders get processed

Code: Select all
For /f "delims=" %A IN ('dir/b/s/ad') DO @brc32 /Dir:"%A" /Pattern:*.pdf /NoFolders /RemoveName /AppendFolder:P::1 /AutoNumber:1:1:S:_:37:1 /Suffix:_NB
Posts: 62
Joined: Wed Jan 31, 2018 7:35 pm

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