REMOVE from to behaviour

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REMOVE from to behaviour

Postby deanmoncaster » Tue Sep 07, 2021 3:39 pm


In the REMOVE F5 box when i enter the FROM then the TO number, the FROM number gets changed to the first number entered into the TO box.

While i know this is to ensure that the FROM is never higher than the TO this behaviour is infuriating because if you want to go FROM 6 to 15, you enter 6 in the FROM and as soon as you type 1 for the TO the FROM changes to 1 and you then need to go back and edit this number back to what you entered in the first place.

Now knowing that the people that are likely to use this software are not idiots this shouldn't really be a feature we need.

However, if it REALLY must do this, how about either a warning to say "your FROM cannot be higher than the TO" or even when the RENAME button is pressed if FROM is greater than TO then the FROM becomes the TO value?

This will save end users having to fix something they are using logically and as you would expect.

Posts: 1
Joined: Tue Sep 07, 2021 3:32 pm

Re: REMOVE from to behaviour

Postby therube » Wed Sep 08, 2021 5:24 pm

because if you want to go FROM 6 to 15, you enter 6 in the FROM and as soon as you type 1 for the TO the FROM changes to 1 and you then need to go back and edit this number back to what you entered in the first place

Agreed. That is rather odd.
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Joined: Mon Jan 18, 2016 6:23 pm

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