run script in a batch file

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run script in a batch file

Postby hickeyt » Sat Aug 20, 2022 9:23 pm

With your help, I now have BRU to where it does exactly what I want.

Is there a way to save the settings into a file and then run that script from a batch file? I will be doing the same renaming routinely and I would like to be able to call up a script file and have all of the settings retrieved. Then, if I could load that script and have it run in a batch file, I could execute it every time I need it.

Ideally it could run from the cmd prompt and then run the program and then point to a folder and execute the commands contained in a file.

Is that possible?

I love the program and use it regularly. I'm trying to automate so I don't miss a step.
Posts: 5
Joined: Mon Aug 08, 2022 9:41 pm

Run .bru settings-file from batch

Postby Luuk » Sun Aug 21, 2022 4:36 am

All of the settings, including which folder is to be selected inside of the folder-tree, can be saved inside of a .bru settings-file.
These .bru-files can be invented using the menu... "File, Save As", and to conduct them from a batch, the command is like...
"C:\Path\To\Your\Bulk Rename Utility.exe" "C:\Path\To\Your\Settings-File.bru"

But there is not any command-line option to say... "First click the Rename button, and then Exit.
This would destroy your chance to fix any mistakes, using the menu... Actions, Undo Rename.
And there is always the command-line brc64.exe to conduct auto-renaming, and then exit.

If having many different .bru setting-files to conduct? you can always put them in a batch like...
"C:\Path\To\Your\Bulk Rename Utility.exe" "C:\Path\To\Your\Settings-File1.bru"
"C:\Path\To\Your\Bulk Rename Utility.exe" "C:\Path\To\Your\Settings-File2.bru"
"C:\Path\To\Your\Bulk Rename Utility.exe" "C:\Path\To\Your\Settings-File3.bru"

This batch does first launch bru conducting the 1st settings-file, so when you're finished, just close the application.
Then, the batch will launch bru conducting the 2nd settings-file, so ......
Then, the batch will launch bru conducting the 3nd settings-file, so ......
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Joined: Fri Feb 21, 2020 10:58 pm

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