Hi Jim, your program in GREAT!!!
Really unique!!
Some suggestions:
------ You could add a functionality with which you can remove several characters based on their position from the end of the filename.
(for example: you want to remove 2 characters before the last character of the filename:
123456789.txt ---------------> 1234569.txt
------ Another thing that could be really useful would be the ability to turn
only some letters (=a part) of the files you want into uppercase (or lowercase).
(for example: aaabbbccc.txt -------> aaaBBBccc.txt)
------ Make some hotkeys in order the extra functions to appear on screen (in the place where the "basic" ones were located -NOT next to them)
(for example F1: to show the "basic" options---as the app. looks now----,
(F1 will be also used to go back to the "basic" options if you have pressed F2 or F3)
F2: to show 10 other options,
F3: even more options (the ultra advanced/sofisticated ones !!!!!).
------ In the latest version I believe that the boxes 1,2, 3, 11 have become way too long. I think that you could fit in some extra controls/abilities if you want.
------ Lastly, an "Invert Selection" button in the "Actions Menu" would be very useful.
PS. Keep up the good work!!!!