A statement on Windows Vista

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A statement on Windows Vista

Postby Admin » Fri Aug 11, 2006 11:43 pm

The Windows Vista bloatware is currently in beta. I have tried BRU on build 5384 and it does not run. I do not know the reason why, all I know is that it does not even get into the main section of code.

At present the only way I can run Vista is to install it in Virtual PC 2004, as Vista does not recognise my RAID hardware. Unfortunately Vista is very slow in VPC, despite my own PC being a P4 2.8 with 2GB RAM. As such, it's not practical to debug.

When Vista is released, I am intending to replace my hardware. This will allow me to test BRU properly.

Therefore, until Vista is released, I cannot offer any support to running BRU on the Vista platform. Indeed, even when Vista is released, I may still be unable to support it if I do not upgrade my own hardware.

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Postby Admin » Wed Aug 16, 2006 8:24 am

A further update on Vista.

Last night I installed Vista onto my ageing laptop (P4 1.8, 1GB RAM). I used build 5384 (effectively Beta 2)

My initial comment: If I'd wanted a Mac I'd have bought a Mac! Vista is very clunky, and it's hard to find the things you need. Even the menu in Explorer is gone, unless you enable "Classic Menu". Let's hope things improve before RTM!

ANYWAY, off my soapbox.

I was able to install Visual Studio, and I was able to install the VS service pack. HOWEVER I could not install the Software Development Kit. As such, I am currently UNABLE to develop BRU under Vista. Hopefully this will change by the time Vista is released.

I stuck with Vista for another couple of hours.....then removed it and went back to XP! I've seen enough of Vista for the time being.....


PS Have a read of Paul Thurrott's comments here. They are perfect!
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Postby Admin » Thu Aug 17, 2006 12:01 pm

Okay, a third and final statement on Vista.

I now have Windows Vista Beta 2 installed and activated, and I have installed Visual Studio 6, SP6, and the Platform SDK.

No joy.

It would appear that my logic for iterating through the Windows Shell Namespace will not work on Vista. The Namespace has been significantly rewritten in Vista, due to Microsoft's attempts to thwart the various worms and malware.

So...Bulk Rename Utility does not and will not work on Windows Vista.

Over the winter, I might have the time to write a new version, most likely on the .NET 2.0 platform.

BRU will continue to be maintained for the 98 > XP platform, but will not be available for Vista at this time.

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Postby Admin » Fri Aug 18, 2006 2:23 pm

Never say never.

Progress has been made.

I hope to have better news by the end of today....

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Postby Admin » Fri Sep 29, 2006 6:38 am

Yep, it works fine with Vista :-)

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