Renaming using initials of containing folder

Javascript renaming examples. Javascript renaming is supported in version 3 or newer.

Renaming using initials of containing folder

Postby LNDN91 » Mon Jul 24, 2017 8:22 pm

Hi! I have a big drum samples lilbray that I downloaded but all the samples are renamed that multiple subfolders contain a audio sample called: drum 01.wav
To prevent my DAW from loading the drum01.wav from the wrong folder I wanted to rename them using the containing folder.
But using Append folder name, makes the samples really long.

So I wanted to know if it's possible to use the initials of the folder instead of the full name.

07 Moogyourass 138 Dmaj [drum 01.wav] --> M138 Drum 01.wav
08 Disconnected 157 Dmin [drum 01.wav] --> D157 Drum 01.wav
06 Dangerous Place 142 Cmin [drum 01.wav] --> DP142 Drum 01.wav
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Joined: Mon Jul 24, 2017 7:43 pm

Re: Renaming using initials of containing folder

Postby Admin » Tue Jul 25, 2017 12:57 am

It can be done, but need to define rules for the abbreviation ... e.g. use the first letter , the 4th character etc.
Please note that using Javascript renaming requires a commecial license for BRU.
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