How to Shift a subset of a file name

Bulk Rename Utility How-To's

How to Shift a subset of a file name

Postby suigin » Wed May 15, 2024 9:16 pm

I've got a variety of files that are ordered in the following format:

## - Name of video series - name of individual video

and I've found for one of the series the names of each individual video (the last X characters of the filename, where X varies in quantity) are off by one beyond a certain point with the final video having no name.

I'm curious if there's any way to tell Bulk Rename Utility to basically take the characters from position X to the end of the filename for each file, and append that selection from each file's previous file to that file itself


if I had:
01 - Intro to Economics - Overview of Markets
02 - Intro to Economics - Explaining Macroeconomics
03 - Intro to Economics - Explaining Microeconomics
04 - Intro to Economics -

the desired outcome of the operation would be:
01 - Intro to Economics - Introduction
02 - Intro to Economics - Overview of Markets
03 - Intro to Economics - Explaining Macroeconomics
04 - Intro to Economics - Explaining Microeconomics

(with the Introduction suffix manually filled in by me at the end - this is just to demonstrate that the titles are off by 1 and need to be shifted down)

Is there any way to do this?
Posts: 2
Joined: Wed May 15, 2024 9:09 pm

Re: How to Shift a subset of a file name

Postby Admin » Thu May 16, 2024 1:24 am

Hi, you could use Excel to create a from -> to file renaming CSV to then import it in BRU, with Import Rename Pairs.
You would need to work out if it's possible to do the renaming match from -> to names with Excel formulas.
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Re: How to Shift a subset of a file name

Postby suigin » Thu May 16, 2024 2:35 am

Interesting - where would I look for info on creating from -> to files?
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Joined: Wed May 15, 2024 9:09 pm

Re: How to Shift a subset of a file name

Postby Admin » Fri May 17, 2024 5:26 am

Check out the Operation Manuals (PDF):
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Re: How to Shift a subset of a file name

Postby therube » Mon May 20, 2024 3:53 pm

(Without thinking it through...)

Select a set, series of files
5:Remove, First: 2
10:Numbering, Mode: Prefix, Start: 2

& so long as you select the correct set/series of files...

Then your newly added file, you just set that to "01".
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