Bulk Rename Utility Operations Manual - VOL I - 2nd Ed (PDF)

Bulk Rename Utility How-To's

Bulk Rename Utility Operations Manual - VOL I - 2nd Ed (PDF)

Postby Admin » Sat Feb 08, 2020 9:37 am


Download the PDF:


by Tim Mongeon, USA

First Book in the series. (Second book here).

At long last, the new Edition of Volume 1 is here! It includes over 400 new pages of information!

Tim Mongeon

Note by Admin:

This PDF is a fantastic in-depth review of the many Bulk Rename Utility functions.
It was written by a Bulk Rename Utility user, Tim Mongeon. An outstanding effort.
The manual has a lot of useful details and various instructions on how to learn and use Bulk Rename Utility efficiently.
Please post any comments or feedback on the manual here.
Site Admin
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Re: Bulk Rename Utility Operations Manual (PDF)

Postby bru » Tue Feb 11, 2020 10:19 am

Great work on the manual! It is quite the noble effort.
I think many will benefit, its got something for beginners & experienced users alike.

I consider myself pretty-much an expert with BRU, especially when it comes to regexing.
To be honest, I was skeptical of discovering anything new, but was pleasantly surprised.
In fact, I've already posted something learned from it (regex case-insensitivity): viewtopic.php?f=11&t=4009

We appreciate the time & effort you've obviously put into this.
Thanks again, and looking forward to VolumeII !!
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Re: Bulk Rename Utility Operations Manual (PDF)

Postby trm2 » Tue Feb 11, 2020 2:59 pm

Thanks I appreciate the feedback - excuse the few typos that I have since come across, they are being addressed as I find them but I
can't release a new version - not yet.

Volume II is coming along nice - lot of work left to do. Volume II is the accumulation of the forums - The BRU, The RegEx and the JavaScript sections.
Featuring a lot of the Contributor's own examples - including yours - good and bad in some instances. All tested and in many cases with my own added
detail and analysis presented in a tutorial fashion much like you saw with the 9th example. I like to call it a 'Bulk Rename Utility By Example'.

It is a long process and a good deal of back and forth between myself and TGRMN. Once I have a final draft then it has to go through
approval and final revisions. Then it gets released and then I start to find all the mistakes I wish I had fixed before it was released sigh.

I am the writer/author, editor and proofreader (except for the approval process), so it takes time and I do make mistakes. If anyone finds any errata,
that I may or may not have already addressed or have any comments, suggestions or otherwise, then please post them here. I will respond.

Volume II currently stands at around 320 or so pages. It is, I think, much more exciting than volume I which was a detailed look at the program and
it's features, whereas Volume II shows you what it can do given all of the expertise presented in these forums. And when you study all of the examples
as I have, you learn - especially concerning RegEx and even JavaScript. It follows the same format using full picture illustrations and a finished photo
for each example to prove that it worked - or didn't work in some cases. For those that didn't work, I try to analyze why and present alternatives.

I think it will be well received with the final contributors of each example noted at the bottom.

I encourage everyone to register the program and pay the inexpensive fee for the 'commercial' version because you don't have to be in business to
enjoy and benefit from the 'Javascript' capability available only in that version. Just cutting and pasting many of the useful examples from that
forum is enough to get you started. And it supports further development of both the freeware and commercial versions of the program.

Tim M.
Posts: 156
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Re: Bulk Rename Utility Operations Manual (PDF)

Postby cvhmanchester » Wed Feb 12, 2020 9:49 am

Thank you for the Manual V.1 (and 2). It provides invaluable depth of information and guidance that is not available in the Help files. I know well the amount of commitment, time and work needed to create these resources.

Generally, there is a real problem with providing "help" for software users, from newbees to experts. Personally, I find that two components are necessary: a rigorous description of the program features - the Manual, fronted by a series of user friendly how-to-do receipes with links to and from the rigorous descriptions in the Manual. This creates version control issues as the various components evolve.

Currently, the Help files in the program are not linked to the Manual, which does not seem to be mentioned at all in the program.

It may be a task too far, but it would be useful to have a context link from a feature on the main screen to the help services, perhaps using a menu choice between a receipe (Help files) and the rigorous description (Manual). Currently if one wants help for the features on the main screen, say Replace (3), the term does not appear on the Contents. Using Index for Replace, there are no hits of Replace, and if one clicks on "Repl.(3)" - nothing happens. Using Search for Replace, the top hit is "All Remaining Options|Bulk Rename Utility|1", but not apparently Replace in any of the hits.

The Manual is too valuable to be an un-advertised add-on.
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Re: Bulk Rename Utility Operations Manual (PDF)

Postby trm2 » Wed Feb 12, 2020 1:21 pm

Thanks for your thoughts - I am the author of the Volume I book - but not the programmer - I am sure though the Admin is monitoring this,
so your voice is being heard.

About linking the book to the program... that is probably quite an undertaking for them. You see even programs that come with a help
system are either in the form of an HTML or CHM - something similar (for those that do - a lot of software companies are lazy and only
post their docs online which is VERY inconvenient). So when you seek help directly from the program, the program links into the file
directly - that is fine because, i.e. , chms have that linking capability. PDFs are not made like that. If it would be up to them to
change the book into a format that could be linked, and to create all the individual links.. not something I think they would want to do. But
I certainly don't speak for them, I am only telling you what it would involve.

I have created a bookmark system in the Volume I PDF in another revision (fixing typos, etc) , but since the revision itself Is still in progress, every time I change something, I need
to redo the bookmark links. So I have the bookmarks in its structured form but not finalized. If and when that revision is released, it may help. But for now, all I can
suggest is to have the PDF open as you are using the program and that way using the Table of Contents, you can find what you need assistance with at the time.

Glad you like the manual.

I encourage all comments.

Don't forget to register the program when you feel you are ready - it is an inexpensive commercial license that will give you JavaScript and also supports
future development.
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Re: Bulk Rename Utility Operations Manual (PDF)

Postby Luuk » Fri Feb 21, 2020 11:13 pm

Greetings from Hessen! Please consider making in the German language because Google translation does not give good understanding on many pages and many more users can benefit also. Thanks very much.
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Re: Bulk Rename Utility Operations Manual (PDF)

Postby trm2 » Sat Feb 22, 2020 12:54 am

I really appreciate the feedback and I do enjoy the German language but I do not speak it. I have purposely made the PDF
so that you can copy and paste information and print from it as well (that is the extent of the privileges allowed). Have you
tried copying and pasting the text that you are having problems with into a text document by itself minus all the formatting, etc and then
try running it through a translator? Just a suggestion. It may be the formatting that is messing things up - the fonts, the spacing - I don't
know off hand. Anyone else have a suggestion that may help? The terminology also may play a part in the translation. I notice that
when I use those online translators they don't handle technical jargon very well. As a final suggestion if you can open the PDF online - if your PDF
program allows that - If you use Google Chrome, it is pretty good at translating text - I know you said you use Google translation - but is that
the online or the Browser? I think the Browser is better at this. Then again, maybe it is the same source used for both.

Good luck. I hope you can find a solution. I'm sorry I could not be more helpful.
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Re: Bulk Rename Utility Operations Manual (PDF)

Postby matt38emu » Wed Feb 26, 2020 11:04 pm

Thanks Alot
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Re: Bulk Rename Utility Operations Manual (PDF)

Postby trm2 » Thu Feb 27, 2020 1:37 am

You are most sincerely welcome. Tell your friends. And spread the word to those that don't own BRU to get a copy and if they
like it - register it - support the people behind this magnificent program.

Volume II forthcoming...

Tim M.
Posts: 156
Joined: Wed Jan 15, 2020 12:47 pm

Re: Bulk Rename Utility Operations Manual - VOL I - 2nd Ed (PDF)

Postby Admin » Mon Aug 02, 2021 7:46 am

2nd Edition of Volume I published - Aug 2021.
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