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Rename copies so they can be easily sorted into group

PostPosted: Wed Jul 14, 2021 1:41 am
by Penningtons5
I have thousands of Photos
Am in the process of sorting them by folder and date.
When I find them they come from many duplicated folders.

After transferring them I get results like:

Cimg1234 (1).jpg
Cimg1234 (2).jpg
Cimg1234.(3).jpg I want to change these to:

(Nochange on these originals :Cimg1234.jpg

The rest then to
Copy Cimg1234 (1).jpg
Copy Cimg1234 (2).jpg
Copy Cimg1234.(3).jpg

This will allow me to go through them and confirm which ones I truly want to delete. I do not want auto delete these are photos going back 50 years some scanned and some just digital images. I want to be sure of what is deleted with a visual check. The naming system allows me to reference them to the original in the event I need to prior to final delete. The word copy in front allows me to keep them separate perhaps I will sort into separate folder either way this will make it easy to grab the copies.

Thanks in advance I tried readin there is a lot of topics here so if this was answered sorry I did not see it.

Re: Rename copies so they can be easily sorted into group

PostPosted: Wed Jul 14, 2021 10:38 am
by Luuk
This does guess that all of the copied pictures were .jpg?? And they all have 'space' or '.' before parenthesis??
Inside Filters(12) to put a checkmark in "RegEx" and a "Mask" like \.jpe?g$
Inside RegEx(1) to put a "Match" and "Replace" like...
^(?!Copy )(.+[ .]\((\d+)\))$
Copy \1

The RegEx(1) wont conduct files starting with "Copy ", so if you already rename some pictures to have Copy in the front...
Then you can forbid them from presenting inside of the file-list, with a "Mask" like... ^(?!Copy ).+[ .]\(\d+\)\.jpe?g$
But must click the blue-arrows beside "Mask" or F5/Refresh to forbid them.

Re: Rename copies so they can be easily sorted into group

PostPosted: Thu Jul 15, 2021 7:52 pm
by Penningtons5
Thanks for a quick reply.

I am finding this easier using a sorting tool (everything for example) to find inly files with the (1) (2) (3) then rename those for inspect and delete.

I do like the bulk rename Utility though.

Re: Rename copies so they can be easily sorted into group

PostPosted: Thu Jul 15, 2021 9:36 pm
by Luuk
Yes, there is also many portable applications to find duplicate-files by comparing their actual file-bytes.
They are much better than renaming, or sorting by name and size, with applications like bru and everything.