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Bulk rename using CSV

PostPosted: Fri Oct 01, 2021 10:06 am
by Ringoss
Morning everyone.

Hope someone can help.

I have a large number of files which contain names, but I need to add a code to the name. Each code is unique to the name though.

I have a CSV with a list of the names in one column, and the name with the code in the second column.

How do I get BRU to rename, or append the code, to just the part of the filename with the name? Can it be done?

Many thanks in advance for your help.

Re: Bulk rename using CSV

PostPosted: Fri Oct 01, 2021 4:50 pm
by therube
Code: Select all
Renaming From A Text File

With Bulk Rename Utility it is possible to rename files according to a text file. The text file should contain a list
of "old name" and "new name" pairs, separated by a pipe symbol ( | ) or a comma ( , ). Bulk Rename Utility will
read ANSI and Unicode (UTF-16) text files.

To use this facility, create a text file in for the correct format, for example:


or use comma separated (CSV)


One entry per line.

Next, click the Import Rename-Pairs on the Actions menu and select your file. If the file is valid, then select all
the files to rename and you will see the "new name" column reflecting the contents of the text file.

When comparing the current filename with the text file, the application ignores the case of the filename, e.g. it
will match Track001.mp3 and TRACK001.mp3. This makes it easy to rename the files.

Click on "Rename Pairs Imported" to show the list of imported renaming pairs.

Specifying Full Paths
You can also specify full paths, such as c:\folder\track1.mp3, in the first column for the old file names.
Then Bulk Rename Utility will match these names against the full path and not just the file name.

Text File Requirements

Bulk Rename Utility will read ANSI and Unicode (UTF-16) text files.

Note: You can view all the imported rename-pairs by selecting 'View Imported Rename-Pairs' from the Bulk Rename Utility menu.