
Bulk Rename Utility How-To's


Postby avviano » Sun Apr 30, 2023 11:36 am

Maybe I dont understand the concept of BRU files and presets in BRU.

All I am trying to achieve is to save presets that contain various "replace" strings (without saving the folder position). The idea is that I use the same replace strings but on different folders. However, when I try to setup all my form fields and save that as a BRU file, nothing comes back when I recall the BRU file. But the folder structure is brought back, which is the only thing I don't need.

I love using the app, but the preset managment is not intuitive at all and seems to be a bit lacking. I currently have to manually re-enter all my parameters every single time.

I would love to see a drop-down with preset names that we can use to recall handles (= form info) like "Replace", "Remove", "Add", "RegEx" and so on, without changing the folder structure.

Is that currently not possible? If it is possible, how is it done?

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Joined: Sun Apr 30, 2023 11:27 am

Re: Presets

Postby avviano » Sun Apr 30, 2023 11:55 am

I just realized why I did not get it to work.

It seems that Bulk Rename Utility overwrites presets without any user input?!?! Which is totally akward. That is the reason why all my presets where always totally messed up.

If I recall a preset and want to adapt it just once but not change the actual preset, then close BRU without saving, it still overwrites my main preset.

Why does BRU save presets without any user input?????

This is so wrong.... I will never get used to that.

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Joined: Sun Apr 30, 2023 11:27 am


Postby Luuk » Sun Apr 30, 2023 11:30 pm

Stop updating saved-presets...
First try to remove the checkmark from "File, Favourites, Save on Exit", then to exit the BRU before any testing.
If the BRU still updates your saved-presets, must exit the BRU, then navigate to your "Bulk Rename Utility.ini".
Then just look for a line like... "Auto Save Favourite On Exit=1", so then changing 1 --> 0.

After this, the only way that BRU will update your presets, is by clicking on the menu... "File, Save".
For myself, after inventing the presets, I make them read-only, so not even BRU can update them.
I do even have a "backups" folder for all of my presets and ini's just in case.

Make presets stop changing folder-paths...
Before inventing the preset, should first remove the checkmark from the menu "File, Favourites, Store Pathname".
When having this checkmark, the BRU invents all .bru-presets with a line like... Path="C:\PathTo\SomeFolder".
But if already invented the presets, removing this checkmark also tells BRU to stop changing folder-paths!

Opening a folder with many presets...
Its best to settle all of your presets in just 1-folder, so that clicking the menu "File, Open" will always go to that folder.
This gets conducted by your .ini file with a line like... Favourite Path="C:\PathTo\SomeFolder\WithAnyFavourite.bru".
To forbid BRU loading any preset, but granting "File, Open" to list your presets, edit this path to just the red-part.
Just remember that the BRU should not be running, if deciding to manually edit any of its files.
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