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Will BRU Work If It Loses Focus?

PostPosted: Wed Dec 27, 2023 9:37 am
by dfleiss
I've been using Bulk Rename Utility for several years, and I've always been extremely pleased with it. The only thing that I find annoying is that if the BRU window loses focus, the renaming stops.

I've looked through all the settings, and I didn't see anything that seemed like it controlled this behavior. (Pardon my spelling, I'm an American.) I searched the forum and didn't see any mention of it.

Is keeping focus necessary for BRU to rename files, or have I overlooked a setting somewhere?

Thank you.

Re: Will BRU Work If It Loses Focus?

PostPosted: Wed Dec 27, 2023 4:45 pm
by therube
Is "losing focus" different from simply Alt+TAB to some other program, then at some point Alt+TAB back to BRU?

After focus is lost, when you return to BRU does the renaming pick up where it left off?

How many items are you renaming?
(I renamed 10K [on an SSD], & Alt+TAB'd away & before I could check CPU usage, it must have finished.
So when I Alt+TAB'd back, it was already saying, done.)

Re: Will BRU Work If It Loses Focus?

PostPosted: Thu Dec 28, 2023 4:20 am
by dfleiss
Yes, that's what I mean. When I start renaming a long list of files, if I use Alt-Tab and bring another window into focus, BRU stops its renaming and a dialog box with a yellow triangle pops up that says "Bulk Naming Utility: Renaming canceled". Only the top files in the list are renamed.

If I want to rename the remaining files (those that weren't named before BRU stopped), I need to select them and click on Rename.