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Populate Capture date with modified, lightroom import

PostPosted: Sat Nov 30, 2024 10:48 am
by auzideals
I'm very new into this program, having an issue when importing video files into light room classic, all got imported into a folder "1904", researching, its because capture date, is zereoes, thats what light room tech says, need to populate it with modified date, tried the option timestamp and ticked to modified date, but noting is populated, importing 105 videoes into light room, still does not work, any help appreciated.

Thanks in advance

Re: Populate Capture date with modified, lightroom import

PostPosted: Mon Dec 02, 2024 7:09 am
by Admin
Hi, I think you might need to change the file property 'capture date' of those video files (Bulk Rename Utility can't do that in current version).