Add specific reason to error msg for refusing to rename

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Add specific reason to error msg for refusing to rename

Postby MyTimeNow » Mon Dec 25, 2023 3:58 am

I have about about a half dozen folders to rename. After unzipping a batch of audiobook zip files from
The unzipped folders have another folder inside with the exact same name. Example:
Michael Crichton - The Andromeda Strain
Michael Crichton - The Andromeda Strain
(file list)

I want the outer file to drop the book title from the folder name and drop the author name from the inner folder like this:
Michael Crichton
The Andromeda Strain
(file list)

This is typically an easy task using a small RegEx. The problem is, I get the could not rename error message when I press the Rename button:

"Item 'L:\Audiobooks\SciFi\Michael Crichton - The Andromeda Strain' could not be renamed. Error: Access Denied."

The doesn't say WHY it can't access the file, just that it can't. I went into Windows File Explorer to see what is causing the difficulty. I expected to find the read only attribute set, it was not. I don't have any open files inside the folders. I renamed one of the folders BRU wouldn't rename, in Explorer, with no difficulty. In short, I find NO REASON for this error message. Back in BRU, I refreshed both the tree and the files, then proceeded to (try to) rename the remaining folders in BRU.

Frustratingly, It gave me the exact same error message. I then tried to rename the folder I had renamed in Explorer. BRU gave me the exact same error message for this file as well. Accewss wasn't denied in Explorer, so I should not have been denied in BRU, but it was.

I find this happens from time to time, but it is usually only a single folder/file that returns this message.


-Please have BRU errors give an error number and provide a list of what each error number represents.

-Also (this one is only a minor irration but it is a bug none the less): When I highlight a consecutive list of file names to rename, if I then untag one file name from the list, BRU also untags a seemingly random file name from the highlighted list. Same thing if I go one file name too far and back it up the one position.

-Lastly, I too, would like to see a dark mode.

Thank you for your time and effort,
Posts: 4
Joined: Fri Oct 28, 2022 6:04 am

Re: Add specific reason to error msg for refusing to rename

Postby therube » Wed Dec 27, 2023 5:18 pm

What Regex: are you using?

Are you doing the renames all at once, or are you doing them in 2 separate runs?
If separate, are you doing the child or the parent directory first?

In 12:Filters, are you excluding Files & including Subfolders: ?
Lvl (Level), may help in isolating the wanted directory (level) for each rename sequence.
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Re: Add specific reason to error msg for refusing to rename

Postby MyTimeNow » Sun Dec 31, 2023 4:10 am

Sorry it took so long to return your message. I haven't had that problem again until today, so I forgot about my post (70 y.o. memory).

Here is the RegEx I'm using:
(.+) - (>*)

Like I said, a very simple RegEx. Looks for " - " to separate the parts of the filename into Author and Title.

Filters(12) are set to
* Folders, Files.

Occasionally, I'll set Subfolders as well.

As I alluded to above, I have that same error msg today using only BRU interface, no RegEx. My first thought was that it had to do with renaming files on my network drive because that is what I am working on. I went to the same files in my download directory (I copy to the new location, not move) on my D: drive. I also got the same msg, verbatim.

My reasons for renaming is the original files and folders had long names, so long they give me trouble copying from one drive to another. Here is the folder and filenames that are currently refusing to rename:
Folder "John Brown by W. E. B. Du Bois (Audiobook) Biography of the Legendary Abolitionist [All New! Librivox Edition - Remastered by]"
File001 "John Brown by W. E. B. Du Bois (Audiobook) Biography of the Legendary Abolitionist [All New! Librivox Edition - Remastered by].m4b"
File002 "John Brown by W. E. B. Du Bois (Audiobook) Biography of the Legendary Abolitionist [All New! Librivox Edition - Remastered by].jpg"

First thing I rename the folder by hand:
Folder "John Brown Biography of the Legendary Abolitionist by W. E. B. Du Bois"

The new name is about half the length of the original. In this case, it is the only book I have by this author, so I'm leaving the author name in the folder name.

In BRU, I remove the filename in Name (2) and in Add (7) Prefix, I enter "John Brown, Biography of the Legendary Abolitionist.

Filters (12) set to defaults.

Bingo, bango! Same message!

The thing is, this error has only been going on for about 12-18 months (possibly created by the last update?). Now, that said, It isn't just long names that bring up the error msg, that's just what I've been working the last couple of weeks. I thought about uninstalling and re-installing, but, I did a complete clean install of Windows 10 in June. This irritation was happening both before and after the clean install, so I doubt a re-install would solve it.

Is there any way to upload screenshots here? A screen shot of BRU would answer any and all questions about how I am using it and have the added benefit of being able to show the exact error msg. Also, is there any way to have the forum send a message to my email address when I have a response? Be much harder to forget about my posting that way, because I rarely login here.

Still, I think an error code I could lookup would be of great use.

I have been a computer aficionado Since the Texas Instruments TI 99/4A came out in the early '80s. I've worked as a programmer and data analyst. So, I have a pretty good idea what I am doing. Granted anyone can make a newbie style mistake, but after 40 years playing with and working with computers, I'm not going to make more than once.

Have a good day,
Posts: 4
Joined: Fri Oct 28, 2022 6:04 am

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