Reset Numbering on Date change

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Reset Numbering on Date change

Postby andygarrett » Sat Feb 17, 2024 11:37 pm

I use BRU mainly for renaming photos. I use Auto Date and Numbering to create the file name of the date the photo was taken and the number of the photo taken that day. So, todays photo would be 2024_02_17_001 and increment up to 2024_02_17_020 if I had taken 20 photos.
When I rename photos from the camera defined names I currently can only select one day at a time, if I don't the numbering continues and does not reset for each indvidual day. Is there a way to reset the count on each new day encountered by the date taken field.
The idea result would be being able to select several days worth of photographs and each time a new date is encountered the Numbering would reset to 1.
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Joined: Sat Feb 17, 2024 11:23 pm

Restart Numbering on Date change

Postby Luuk » Sun Feb 18, 2024 7:30 am

If renaming with $TakenOriginal?, must 1st sort everything, by clicking the "Taken (Original)" column.
With the earliest-date at the very top, could then select all of your files with having any $TakenOriginal.
With your new-names, Numbering(10) could use Break==10 to restart the numbering for each new date.
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Re: Reset Numbering on Date change

Postby Admin » Mon Feb 19, 2024 9:41 am

You could also enable "Prevent Duplicates" in the menu then all file names renamed to the same date will have a suffix or prefix added that you can customize.
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Re: Reset Numbering on Date change

Postby Admin » Wed Jun 05, 2024 8:28 am

In version 3.5, new Prevent Duplicates option "Start from 1" will reset the count on each new day encountered. So, if during a renaming operation, you have file names all resulting in the same name, the Prevent Duplicates with Start From 1 option will rename the first one with _1, second one with _2 etc. The exact format can be specified.
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