RFE: Ability to Paste into File List window

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RFE: Ability to Paste into File List window

Postby therube » Thu Oct 20, 2016 4:52 pm

RFE: Ability to Paste into File List window

As it is, you can drag & drop into the File List window.

Additionally, it would be helpful to be able to Paste into the window.

In particular, with long path+file names (>259 chars), you may be able to open a particular folder in Windows Explorer, but you may not necessarily be able to drag & drop the same into BRU.

While at the same time, I can find & copy [most times] file names & or directory names - to the Windows Clipboard, so I "have" them, but there is no method to Paste them into BRU.

You can paste a long path+file name into the directory line, but that is only good for a single directory tree. And if your wanted list of files is more diverse, in multiple directory trees, it is cumbersome to do that, limiting you to work with only one tree at a time.
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