My 2 cents

Would you like Bulk Rename Utility to offer new functionality? Post your comments here!

My 2 cents

Postby masster » Mon Nov 26, 2007 5:20 pm

I have 2 suggestions to make:

1) There are many cases when getting font collections, I end up with a bunch of TTF files having cryptic names such as: ANTHC__.ttf, FUU-RGE.ttf etc
My suggestion is to have an option for extracting the font names from TTF and rename files accordingly. Is it do-able?

2) I suggest you rethink the entire program interface. I know you are so used with your software that probably can't see it 'out of the box' and you think it is the most ergonomic. But trust me... it is not at all handy for a new user...

Posts: 3
Joined: Mon Nov 26, 2007 4:21 pm

Postby Admin » Mon Nov 26, 2007 6:04 pm


I hadn't considered the font idea - probably because I rarey install additional fonts and nobody has ever requested it. I will see what is involved.

As for the interface, yes, I agree it's unfriendly. If BRU was a commercial product then I would give it serious thought. But it's a freebie and it's written in my free time, so I'm afraid it'll never be revised.

I'll take a look at the fonts.

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