
Would you like Bulk Rename Utility to offer new functionality? Post your comments here!


Postby Dantoshou » Wed Jul 17, 2019 9:49 am

I'm not sure if this is a feature that is already implemented and I have not found, however if there was a way to store formatting conditions that you have used in the past, I believe it would be useful for a variety of operations.

For example the files that I am preserving have very particular attributes in their naming convention, for example


I usually clean up the files by identifying the amount of extraneous characters at the end of the file name and removing those, then replacing "_-_" with " S01E0 " replacing "._" with " - " and replacing "_" with a space.

If I could automate this into macros that I could have set in quickslots or a macro bar, this would save some of the manual input involved when using BRU.

Obviously this functionality could be used in other more meaningful ways also, it would just be nice to have an executable script or macro set.

Thanks for creating a tool that improves my digital file preservation and organisation, it has helped me no end with keeping personal files named in a logical and clean way.
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Joined: Tue Jul 02, 2019 11:33 am

Re: Macros/Scripts

Postby therube » Thu Jul 18, 2019 1:53 am


A Favourite is a collection of configuration values which can be used to provide quick access to commonly-used criteria. For example, if you frequently want to rename a bunch of pictures in one folder, and you frequently want to rename a bunch of sound files in another folder, then you could create two Favourites called Pictures and Sound Files. Each Favourite holds with it the selection criteria, rename criteria, and current folder.

When you launch the application for the first time you will not have any Favourites defined, but you can create favourites in the same was as you would create text files or pictures. Store them anywhere on your hard drive and use them as you wish.

Each individual Favourites file contains all the criteria you used to rename files. So for example, you could create a Favourite for renaming your pictures; a Favourite for stripping dodgy characters out of filenames etc. You can then recall these Favourites whenever you need them.

To use favourites, just use the Open and Save/Save As menu options in the same way as you would do in Word or Excel and other programs. When you choose to save a favourite, all the settings currently in place will be saved into that favourite. You can then recall these quickly, either from the Open command or by double-clicking a Favourite file in Windows Explorer. Favourites files have the file extension .bru.

If you have loaded a Favourite and made changes to it, but wish to revert back to the original version, then choose Revert all criteria to last saved in the Actions menu.
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