Custom toolbar, match tree and folder sorting numerically

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Custom toolbar, match tree and folder sorting numerically

Postby YaSo » Mon May 04, 2020 2:27 pm

Howdy! I am a new user to Bulk Rename Utility. I had been using another program to do my file renaming that hasn't been updated in a several years and had recently stopped working with Windows 10. I was wondering if it was possible to add some features / UI elements to BRU:

(I'm sorry that this is so long, but I tried to be thorough in my explanations without making multiple topic posts.)

1) Allow users to add a toolbar (or toolbars) with icons for frequently used functions. This could either let users toggle toolbars on/off for different types of functions (List options, File / Folder options, Renaming options, etc.) OR have a list of common option buttons that a user could drag to a toolbar. (refresh tree, select all / none)

I read a suggestion post from 2005 that asked for something similar and the reply was that it would take up too much space. I would say that monitor resolutions and multiple monitor setups have increased a lot since then to allow for optional toolbar space. Or, the buttons could be on the blue bar after the program's name if you wanted to conserve vertical space of the program.

2) Have the tree's alpha-numerical sorting to match the ones in the folder / file window. I have many folders of media for my Plex server and Windows 10 Explorer and the tree sorts in the following way:
Show Season 01 480p
Show Season 01 720p
Show Season 01 1080p
Show Season 01 2160p

The resolution numbers increase from smaller to larger 'p' as whole numbers, 480p, 720p, 1080p, 2160p.

However, the file / folder window of BRU sorts folders (with 'Name' and up-arrow chosen) in this way:
Show Season 01 1080p
Show Season 01 2160p

Show Season 01 480p
Show Season 01 720p

This sorting is by characters, place by place. 1 before 2, before 4, before 7. Maybe there's a reason to not have them match numerically, but I would prefer it to match so as to not make a renaming mistake.)

3) I will sometimes rename folders in Explorer while using a file renamer program. If toolbar buttons are not possible, allow 'just' the F5 being hit globally to refresh everything, the tree AND files and folders, not just files.

4) Have an option in setting for 'all' files in a folder be 'selected' by default for renaming, unless a mouse-click (or crtl-click) in the file/folder window is made.

The program I used previously had checkboxes before the file names to indicate which ones selected. Highlighting as is implemented here works just fine. A select-all/none button would be really nice, especially since 'Select All' or 'None' is not an option when right-clicking in the file/folder window.

Thank you in advance for reading this and considering my requests!
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Joined: Mon May 04, 2020 12:59 pm

Re: Custom toolbar, match tree and folder sorting numerically

Postby trm2 » Tue May 05, 2020 4:57 pm

Read the manual please - it is located at the top of the HOW TO forum at viewtopic.php?f=12&t=4743

1. no option. leave as suggestion.

2 - Logical sorting is available

3. F5 refreshes the Content Pane. Ctrl -F5 refreshes the Tree. It is just one additional keypress.

4. I believe that was implemented early on. But it is better to err on the side of caution so you don't inadvertently rename files.
You can always use Ctrl A to select all files and use F5 to refresh and subsequently unselect all files.
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Joined: Wed Jan 15, 2020 12:47 pm

Re: Custom toolbar, match tree and folder sorting numerically

Postby Admin » Wed May 06, 2020 2:54 am

Hi, regarding point 4: there is also the option to auto-select items, it is in Actions -> List.
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