FREE Bulk Rename Utility Operations Manual Volume I

A swapping-ground for Regular Expression syntax

FREE Bulk Rename Utility Operations Manual Volume I

Postby trm2 » Sat Feb 08, 2020 12:53 pm

Forgive the double Post - but an announcement like this deserves it!

Yes, it is here. Get your FREE 300 plus pages of Bulk Rename Utility Operations manual Volume I (Volume II coming soon).

Find it in the How-To section Today! For those who have trouble using the program, need help with a feature, have questions about RegEX
(although this is covered more in the second volume, there is a RegEX manual in the appendix), want a refresher or perhaps discover new
things, It is a complete step-by-step fully photo illustrated How To.

And while you read it, remember to 'support the development of BRU' by purchasing an inexpensive commercial license today. You don't have to be
in business to reap the benefits of using it. It has JavaScript - and even if you don't know it - it can be fun to learn. I am no expert, but even I am
starting to get the hang of some of it. And if you do need expert advice, besides the many websites, books and other materials out there, the JavaScript
section of the forums can help with a very abled Admin at its helm. And Volume II will cover many examples of using it - not step by step perhaps but by
studying the code as I did, you can 'get' it.

But even if you don't have a need or want to learn JavaScript, remember that a lot of companies ask you to register their product and pay a fee. This
is no different. So if you like the program - buy the program as they say.

Enough said :)

Learn and Enjoy.
Posts: 156
Joined: Wed Jan 15, 2020 12:47 pm

Re: FREE Bulk Rename Utility Operations Manual Volume I

Postby Admin » Sun Feb 09, 2020 1:48 am

Site Admin
Posts: 2371
Joined: Tue Mar 08, 2005 8:39 pm

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