Problem with character 'é' and so on?

A swapping-ground for Regular Expression syntax

Problem with character 'é' and so on?

Postby pdd » Wed Jun 10, 2015 9:49 pm

Hi there,

I was looking for a renamer tool that could help me renaming my e-book files.
I stumbled upon Bulk Rename Utility and it looked as if it could fulfill my requirements rather easy.

I have these ebooks:
    Herman Koch - Het Diner.epub
    Esther Verhoef - Close-Up.epub
    Tim Krabbé - Een Goede Dag Voor De Ezel.epub
    Tim Krabbe - Een Tafel Vol Vlinders.epub
and I want them to be renamed like this:
    Koch, Herman - Het Diner.epub
    Verhoef, Esther - Close-Up.epub
    Krabbé, Tim - Een Goede Dag Voor De Ezel.epub
    Krabbe, Tim - Een Tafel Vol Vlinders.epub

I found a possible solution on this forum:

Match: (.+) (.+) - (.+)
Replace: \2, \1 - \3

However, the result is:
    Koch, Herman - Het Diner.epub
    Verhoef, Esther - Close-Up.epub

    Tim Krabbé - Een Goede Dag Voor De Ezel.epub
    Krabbe, Tim - Een Tafel Vol Vlinders.epub

The only difference between the two last ones, is that 'é' character.
Could that be a bug?
If not, how can I prevent special characters like é,è,à,ö,... to stop my regex working like expected?

Btw, according to both and Visual RegEx the regular expression
(.+) (.+) - (.+)
Tim Krabbé - Een Goede Dag Voor De Ezel.epub

Kind regards,
Posts: 3
Joined: Wed Jun 10, 2015 9:33 pm

Re: Problem with character 'é' and so on?

Postby Admin » Thu Jun 11, 2015 1:22 am

Right now characters like 'é' are not supported in the reg exp , but next release will support it. thanks
Site Admin
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Re: Problem with character 'é' and so on?

Postby pdd » Thu Jun 11, 2015 7:36 am

All right. Glad to hear that!
When will the next version be released?
Posts: 3
Joined: Wed Jun 10, 2015 9:33 pm

Problem with Accents character 'é' and RegEx

Postby Stefan » Thu Jun 11, 2015 8:02 am

Work around, If you don't need those accent characters,

you can first exchange them by default English chars

via Remove(5) [X]Accents.

Alapértelmezett Amândoi animálása kiválasztás seleção.tXt
Ändern Öffnen Übersicht Größe Arbeitsfläche Zurück.tXt
Maç Özetleri înainte Kaynagi göster Opções mentés.tXt
Sobreposição à la Não Transparência sélectionnées.tXt
Alapertelmezett Amandoi animalasa kivalasztas selecao.tXt
Andern Offnen Ubersicht Große Arbeitsflache Zuruck.tXt
Mac Ozetleri inainte Kaynagi goster Opcoes mentes.tXt
Sobreposicao a la Nao Transparencia selectionnees.tXt


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Re: Problem with character 'é' and so on?

Postby pdd » Thu Jun 11, 2015 11:32 am

Thanks for trying to help Stefan, but I don't want those characters to be replaced.
They are part of the real name of the author.
If I would replace them, then I wouldn't be able to find books of that author if I type in his/her correct name.
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Re: Problem with character 'é' and so on?

Postby Lupercus » Wed Aug 26, 2015 12:39 pm

Admin wrote:Right now characters like 'é' are not supported in the reg exp , but next release will support it. thanks

That would be great! I was also struggling with these accents, could not understand why in certain cases there was no match while there should be one until I stumbled upon this post. Looking forward for the update - thanx a million
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