File Explorer not working properly after using BRU

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File Explorer not working properly after using BRU

Postby Growltiger » Wed May 15, 2024 10:54 pm

Up to date Windows 11.
Up to date BRU
I will try to describe the sequence of events.

I have File Explorer open showing many folders. I find a folder I want to do renames in.
I Shift-right-click on the folder name on the left side of File Explorer, then I click on BRU which opens.
I carry out a number of renames of various files or selected groups of files. It all works perfectly.
Then I go back to File Explorer. When I click on a file, it does not select it. I cannot select folders either. But it has not crashed completely, I can still move the window and close it.
I close the File Explorer window. I open a new File Explorer window and navigate to the same place. Now it works again.

I tried closing BRU before going back to File Explorer, but that made no difference. The only way to get File Explorer working properly was to close that window and open it again.

So it seems that BRU might be leaving something locked perhaps? I have no other problems with File Explorer or Windows. Integrity checks show I have no Windows problem or corruption.

It is annoying as I keep having to close and reopen File Explorer.
Posts: 21
Joined: Tue Sep 24, 2019 5:03 pm

Re: File Explorer not working properly after using BRU

Postby therube » Mon May 20, 2024 3:55 pm

Did Windows (File) Explorer update showing the newly named files that BRU generated?

What version (or whatever they call it) of 11?

Using any other 3rd. party utilities that may be interfering?
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Re: File Explorer not working properly after using BRU

Postby Growltiger » Wed May 22, 2024 2:23 pm

therube wrote:Did Windows (File) Explorer update showing the newly named files that BRU generated? No.

What version (or whatever they call it) of 11? Latest, fully up to date version of Windows 11 Pro Version 23H2.

Using any other 3rd. party utilities that may be interfering? No
Posts: 21
Joined: Tue Sep 24, 2019 5:03 pm

Re: File Explorer not working properly after using BRU

Postby Panchdara » Sat May 25, 2024 8:33 am

Yeah, I had a similar issue yesterday, but refreshed the file listing in Explorer.... the BRU listing updated but if memory serves, the Explorer window did not update until refreshed
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