How To un-Favorite a Favorite?

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How To un-Favorite a Favorite?

Postby therube » Fri Jun 24, 2016 5:13 pm

How To un-Favorite a Favorite?

I created a Favorite.
Selected it.

But now every time I start BRU, that Favorite is already enabled, without having specifically selected it?

What am I missing?

Seems that "Favourite Path=" is being stored in Bulk Rename Utility.ini.
Presumably that is the last Favorite used, & that same Favorite is being initiated on program start up?

But why?

And also seems that is different from the list of saved Favorites (which is stored in the Registry, HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\TGRMN Software\Bulk Rename Utility\Recent File List).

To me, this Favourite Path should not be store in the .ini at all?

Now having the ability to pass a Favorite from the command-line (batch file or shortcut) might be nice:
Code: Select all
"Bulk Rename Utility.exe"  -f "c:\my favorites\ID3 Tag Corrector.bru"  "m:\Music\Jethro Tull\"

Given that I can't find anything else, most I can gather, what I would expect (even if it seems an awkward behavior), is that a "Reset All Criteria" followed by a program quit, would set 'Favourite Path'="", but that does not happen.
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Joined: Mon Jan 18, 2016 6:23 pm

Re: How To un-Favorite a Favorite?

Postby Emerkamp » Fri Jun 24, 2016 9:43 pm

Here's what I did:

Reset all sections of BRU, Then make a favorite named "Default".
Save this in the same folder with the favorites that come with BRU. ( Or move all to a folder you like better )
Before shutting down BRU, Select the default FAV you made. Next startup will use these settings along with the folder you picked If using right click "open with"

I assume the cmd prompt would use the path in the batch file also
I always use the right click "open with" context menu. So it doesn't really bother me..
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Re: How To un-Favorite a Favorite?

Postby KenP » Sat Jul 30, 2016 12:10 pm

It seems that to open BRU without a favourite enabled you have to start a new renaming procedure before closing BRU.

Before closing BRU start a new renaming procedure by going File/New or keyboard short-cut Ctrl + N and no favourites will be enabled the next time you open BRU.

It would be good if the reset button also closed the open favourite or if there was an option to close the favourite when the programme closes.
Posts: 199
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