Directory Opus implementation, command-line arguments

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Directory Opus implementation, command-line arguments

Postby frfrfr » Wed Sep 07, 2016 10:11 pm


not really good at these things, so please treat me like the noob I probably am.

I am using Directory Opus, which is basically a replacement for Windows Explorer, with some decent features.
One of them is the ability to customize toolbars, so I did.
I placed a shortcut to BRN in one of them.
I'd like to "modify" that shortcut with some sort of cmd-line argument so that it launches BRN with the currently viewed folder open.

Let's say within DOpus I'm at "D:\Music\Artist\Album1". I wanna rename all the tracks in there. Is there a way to click the shortcut and BRN starts up with that folder opened already?

DOpus allows for a bunch of modifications and arguments, if anything special is necessary for this, let me know and I'll see if the appropriate command is available.

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Joined: Wed Sep 07, 2016 10:06 pm

Re: Directory Opus implementation, command-line arguments

Postby therube » Thu Sep 08, 2016 12:35 am

What have you tried?

How about %1 ?
Or "%1" ?

You might need to add a START to the BRU pathname, so something like:
Code: Select all
START   "C:\BRU\Bulk Rename Command.exe"   "%1"

Also: Bulk Rename Here
When you install Bulk Rename Utility you have the option of installing "Context" menus. If you choose this option (recommended), you will find a new Bulk Rename Here facility when you right-click a file or folder within Windows Explorer. Selecting this option will launch Bulk Rename Utility, and will automatically select the folder you right-clicked (or the parent folder, if you right-clicked a file). This provides quick access to the utility.
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Joined: Mon Jan 18, 2016 6:23 pm

Re: Directory Opus implementation, command-line arguments

Postby frfrfr » Thu Sep 08, 2016 3:05 pm


thanks for the reply.

Over at their forum, someone suggested to add "{sourcepath}", which at first gave me an error message.
Updated BRN, now that works flawlessly.
I suppose {sourcepath} is somehow similar to your suggested "%1"-command?

Thanks for you effort.
Posts: 2
Joined: Wed Sep 07, 2016 10:06 pm

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