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BRU slow to launch via shell integration in Win 8.1

PostPosted: Sat Nov 02, 2013 11:11 am
by Snard

I've noticed that since upgrading from Windows 8 to 8.1 on this computer, it can take several minutes for BRU to launch via right-clicking a file in my current folder and choosing "Bulk Rename Here". I suspect this is due to the program scanning other networked computers that appear under "This PC" in the left pane (all music files on other computers on my home network are now present in this tree)

Is there a way to tell BRU to only scan the files in the current folder when launching via "Bulk Rename Here"?

I am running the current version (2,7,1,2), 64-bit Unicode, on Windows 8.1 64 bit.


- Mike

Re: BRU slow to launch via shell integration in Win 8.1

PostPosted: Sun Nov 03, 2013 4:19 am
by truth
Sorry, I dont use Win8 or 'Bulk Rename Here.dll'
For troubleshooting, go to your command-prompt & try:
"C:\PathToBRU\Bulk Rename Utility.exe" "C:\PathToProblemFolder"

If the prob repeats: It's NOT from a right-click shell-integration, (& prob due to the folder itself)
It sounds like Win8.1 wants to pass networked-filenames of a folders' mapped-drives into BRU ?

If anything besides Win8->8.1 has changed, make sure it gets noted for others to help.
Sorry I can't duplicate your environment for further troubleshooting.

Re: BRU slow to launch via shell integration in Win 8.1

PostPosted: Sun Nov 03, 2013 11:55 am
by blubbr
I am having the same issues in Windows 8.1 where it is traversing the IP address of my sonos ( music appliance. Unfortunately, I have over 50,000 tracks... it takes over an hour to finish the searching.

-- Is there a way to filter/exclude IP sources (network shares) when I launch BRU via right-clicking a file in my current folder and choosing "Bulk Rename Here"?


Re: BRU slow to launch via shell integration in Win 8.1

PostPosted: Mon Nov 04, 2013 11:06 am
by Admin
Hi Snard and blubbr , on which file or folder are you when you click on "Bulk Rename Here" ? thanks

Re: BRU slow to launch via shell integration in Win 8.1

PostPosted: Mon Nov 04, 2013 1:41 pm
by Snard
Admin wrote:Hi Snard and blubbr , on which file or folder are you when you click on "Bulk Rename Here" ? thanks


I first observed this while right-clicking on a file on my local F: drive, but I've also tried right-clicking in a folder on my C: drive, and the same thing happens there.

Let me know if you need a screen shot or log file to help pinpoint this issue.


Re: BRU slow to launch via shell integration in Win 8.1

PostPosted: Mon Nov 04, 2013 3:20 pm
by blubbr
Admin wrote:Hi Snard and blubbr , on which file or folder are you when you click on "Bulk Rename Here" ? thanks

I as well am selecting a file within my C drive profile... 'Documents'


Re: BRU slow to launch via shell integration in Win 8.1

PostPosted: Sun Nov 10, 2013 2:57 am
by ak10271
I too am using 8.1 64. And I tried the suggestion above for the command line.
At a command prompt I cd'd to the bru folder then executed this command:
C:\Program Files\Bulk Rename Utility>".\bulk rename utility.exe" H:\movies
and it took the typical 30 seconds or more to open the screen.

Win8.1 Networked filename generation

PostPosted: Sun Nov 10, 2013 10:20 am
by truth
Good troubleshooting ak10271
The command proves its not related to any right-click shell-integration.
Just didnt want to see anyone waste time going after the wrong culprit.

Sorry I cant duplicate the problem, if I come across any Win8.1 fixes/settings, I'll post back.

Re: BRU slow to launch via shell integration in Win 8.1

PostPosted: Tue Nov 12, 2013 6:56 pm
by CaryF

I am running Windows 8.1 x64 and am having the same issue. BRU will always launch extremely quickly when running the executable. However, it randomly hangs if launched with the shell extension. There seems to be no rhyme or reason as to why. I can tell you that when it does hang, it eats an average of 6% CPU. See the image below:


Re: BRU slow to launch via shell integration in Win 8.1

PostPosted: Tue Nov 12, 2013 7:56 pm
by jpegger
I can confirm this also in 8.1 x64, and it doesnt seem to matter how I start BRU. I have tried shortcuts, the right clicking, and even typing the whole *** command. They always a delay, unless I disconnect the drives... Please somebody fix this!

Re: BRU slow to launch via shell integration in Win 8.1

PostPosted: Tue Nov 12, 2013 8:18 pm
by Snard

I logged this issue initially, and am continuing to observe it, but I've found a reasonable workaround for now: I don't close BRU when I'm done with it. :-) It doesn't seem to use too many resources when it's sitting in the background.

But that's not to say I wouldn't be happy to see this fixed at some point :)

Re: BRU slow to launch via shell integration in Win 8.1

PostPosted: Tue Nov 12, 2013 11:09 pm
by Admin
Hi, I'll try to duplicate this problem on Win 8.1 and report back.

Re: BRU slow to launch via shell integration in Win 8.1

PostPosted: Fri Nov 15, 2013 1:48 am
by Admin
I can't reproduce this problem on Win 8.1. I have tested on a new Win 8.1 computer which has mapped drives on a Vista computer, a Windows 7 PC and a NAS.
We need to establish what all people that are reporting this problem have in common on their Win 8.1 computer.
One question is: do you notice delays in accessing network location with win 8.1 outside BRU, e.g. with other programs or browsing network folders with Win 8.1 file explorer?

Re: BRU slow to launch via shell integration in Win 8.1

PostPosted: Fri Nov 15, 2013 1:57 am
by Snard
Admin wrote:I can't reproduce this problem on Win 8.1. I have tested on a new Win 8.1 computer which has mapped drives on a Vista computer, a Windows 7 PC and a NAS.
We need to establish what all people that are reporting this problem have in common on their Win 8.1 computer.

I have another computer in my household that is sharing media files (pictures and audio). It shows up in the left pane under "This PC" as "Username (computername)" with a media server looking icon, so it would appear that its media files are being scanned twice, once for each user on that system. I'm attaching a screen shot for reference:


I'm running 64-bit, if that makes a difference.

Re: BRU slow to launch via shell integration in Win 8.1

PostPosted: Fri Nov 15, 2013 2:13 am
by CaryF
Microsoft pushed out a ton of updates Tuesday, some of wich were supposed to address compatibility/stability issues. Since then, I'm not having any issues using shell integration. It's too early to say that it's fixed definitively, but I am hopeful.


Oops....not so much.
