Names too long issue during copying and extraction from zip

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Names too long issue during copying and extraction from zip

Postby DJG725 » Thu May 15, 2014 11:12 pm

I'm sorry if this has already been covered but I was not able to find anything that covered it. I work for a company in which we moved large amounts of files of differing sizes and shapes. Often, when moving large amounts of files, there are some that will not survive the move because the file names including the path has too long of a name. This started happening when we switched from XP to Window 7. Currently, we try and search out the offending files and them rename them one by one until all of the files conform to the name length standard or we will find a place with a shorter file path and then zip the files and move the zip file to the final destination. Obviously, this is extremely tme consuming and tedious. Will this tool help us to pick out the offending names and rename the files? We will need the new file names to bear some resemblance to the originals.

PS, We are not IT people, but rather legal people, so please be gentle. :)

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Re: Names too long issue during copying and extraction from zip

Postby Admin » Fri May 16, 2014 1:51 am

Hi, moving long file names should not be a problem, does the target support long file names? thanks
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PathNames in .zip too-long to extract to chosen destination

Postby truth » Mon May 19, 2014 1:16 am

Yes, but its not the best tool for the job, since it doesnt add 12PathLengthMax+12NameLengthMax
They are treated independently, requiring you to add them manually (if needed).

The biggest factor is knowing the TargetDir where .zips will be extracted (how-many chars it claims).
Subtract that from the TargetDir's MaxCharLimit to get the Total for 12PathLengthMax+12NameLengthMax

I pipe thru sed to list newnames that would exceed my chosen TargetDir's MaxCharLimit.
If you need something graphical to do the math, there is
but I've no clue as to its rename options.
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