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Multi rename and make folders too

PostPosted: Tue Oct 17, 2017 7:03 pm
by melsoft
Hello there
I have a lot of books with format like this:

Agarbiceanu Ion - Fefeleaga (Aprecieri).pdf
Alecsandri Vasile - Chirita in Iasi (Cartea).pdf
Caragiale Luca Ion - La hanul lui Manjoala (Aprecieri).pdf
Caragiale Luca Ion - La hanul lui Manjoala (Cartea).pdf

and want to rename in:

Ion Agarbiceanu - Fefeleaga (Aprecieri).pdf
Vasile Alecsandri - Chirita in Iasi (Cartea).pdf
Ion Luca Caragiale - La hanul lui Manjoala (Aprecieri).pdf
Ion Luca Caragiale - La hanul lui Manjoala (Cartea).pdf


After renaming, i want to make directories with author's names like:

Ion Agarbiceanu
Vasile Alecsandri
Ion Luca Caragiale etc...
and move the files in the respectives author's folders...

Is there a SUPER HELP???

Thank you very much

Re: Multi rename and make folders too

PostPosted: Sun Oct 22, 2017 9:38 pm
by melsoft
i read help file and for the first i allready did it:

^([A-Z][a-z]*) ([A-Z][a-z]*)(.*)

After renaming, i want to make directories with author's names like:

Ion Agarbiceanu
Vasile Alecsandri
Ion Luca Caragiale etc...
and move the files in the respectives author's folders...

somebody will pls help me
