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Prefixing With Zeroes To Combat ASCII Woes

PostPosted: Sun Jul 01, 2018 5:09 pm
by gordgoodfellow

I'm working with Bulk Rename Utility which outputs files to a secondary utility which, unfortunately, does not read filenames sequentially in the way that humans do, but rather puts them in ASCII sequence. So, whereas we would instinctively number a list as a logical numerical sequence, the secondary utility will present these files not in that order, but in ASCII sequence.

One way to combat this would be to prefix all filenames with 00. So the files would be prefixed 001, 002, 003, etc.

But how do I do this using Bulk Rename Utility?

If I try to use the Numbering (10) section, select Prefix and start at 001, rising by increments of 1, the output ignores the leading zeroes, and I end up with the ASCII sequence issue within the other utility again.

I'm sure there's a solution to this, but I haven't worked it out yet. Does anyone have any ideas?


Re: Prefixing With Zeroes To Combat ASCII Woes

PostPosted: Sun Jul 01, 2018 6:59 pm
by Emerkamp

Did you try pad, in numbering section. Reading the program help for numbering may help you also. It's pretty detailed.

If that's no help, we would need before and after examples.