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Trying to convert incremental digits

PostPosted: Fri Dec 28, 2018 6:17 am
by mcbob
I have a number of files that have incremental digits in their filename. I want to use them with a utility that doesn't use logical number sorting, so I need to change the filenames so they will appear in the right order in the utility.

In short, I want to convert all 1-digit numbers in the file name to 2-digit numbers

That is, I want to be able to change the numbers 1-9 to 01-09, without adding an initial zero to file names with the numbers 10 or higher in them.

Specifically, the filenames contain the string "s#e#", where "#" is an existing digit that I want retained, but in the second number, I want all single-digit numbers after "e" to be replaced with those same numbers with "0" right before them.

I thought I would be able to do that with BRU, but I can't figure out how.

If it requires using the Javascript Replace, then that is completely beyond me.

Re: Trying to convert incremental digits

PostPosted: Sat Dec 29, 2018 12:34 pm
by Emerkamp

Under (10) Numbering you need to use padding option. This only works when renumbering or adding a new set of numbers.

Can we see 2 or 3 before and after examples. We might use regex if I can see a pattern.