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BUG ctrl+click on file

PostPosted: Thu Mar 05, 2020 3:15 pm
by NewBorn
1. Make any rename rule active to see changes in preview.
2. Select folder with files Ctrl+A (select all)
3. Hold Ctrl and click last file in the list to deselect.
After this one of the files near top of the list also deselects (although it appears to be elected) preview changes to show old filename as if its deselected.

You can click rename and see all files in selection except one (not the one you have not deselected) are renamed.

Re: BUG ctrl+click on file

PostPosted: Thu Mar 05, 2020 9:55 pm
by therube
2. are you still in the Preview window at that point?

or does the Preview window even have any bearing on this?
does Subfolders need to be enabled?

What OS?

(I do seem to recall oddities with counts & selections, but unable, at this point, to "force" a failure.
Likewise, probably not understanding your steps correctly.)

Re: BUG ctrl+click on file

PostPosted: Sat Mar 07, 2020 11:53 am
by NewBorn
Windows 10

1. Select any file in preview to put focus there. (in this instance "Disk 05")

2. Press Ctrl+A to select all files (note selection is still on "Disk 05")

3. Then hold Ctrl + Left mouse click to deselect any file (except "Disk 05" obviously), so now it deselects file you have clicked on AND also deselects file that had selection box on (in this instance "Disk 05")

Re: BUG ctrl+click on file

PostPosted: Sat Mar 07, 2020 1:12 pm
by therube
OK, confirmed.

Can't say I noticed that before (& that is different from what I alluded to above).
Behavior is more apparent when setting a change affecting all files rather then just some.

When you mentioned "preview", I thought you were speaking of the actual "Preview Window" itself.
Main window object count will show total minus 1 (the 1 item deselected).
Preview window (the Preview Window itself) will show an object count of total minus 2 (the 1 item deselected, plus that erroneously deselected item).

Re: BUG ctrl+click on file

PostPosted: Sat Mar 07, 2020 10:29 pm
by NewBorn
Did not realize there was a dedicated "preview" window, i usually preview change in "New Name" column.

Re: BUG ctrl+click on file

PostPosted: Mon Aug 30, 2021 8:39 am
by NewBorn
Hello, Windows 7 x64, BRU v3.4.3.0 bug is still present.

If i say do Ctrl+A to select all files then hold Ctrl + Click on single file i want to deselect BRU randomly exclude one of selected files from renaming.

Re: BUG ctrl+click on file

PostPosted: Mon Aug 30, 2021 9:15 am
by NewBorn
Separate bug - when you use Numbering(10) tab set to Prefix and select range of files Ctrl+A (or hold Shift and select) then hold Ctrl and unsellect one file somewhere in the middle of range, numbering is not updated of file following unsellected.


Re: BUG ctrl+click on file

PostPosted: Tue Aug 31, 2021 6:58 am
by NewBorn
Another bug or inconvenience so to say

When renaming files cause conflicts with existing file names (e.g. only using numbers in filename). You can enable option "Prevent Duplicates". this will rename files adding "_1" at the end.

However once renaming finished the range of files selected in file list are no longer showing "New Name" in green color even though renaming condition allows to set new name. So in order to rename files i need to Ctrl + click one file from the range to un-sellect then Ctrl + click to select again in order for selected range start showing "New Name" and allow renaming.

Re: BUG ctrl+click on file

PostPosted: Thu Sep 02, 2021 7:21 am
by NewBorn
One more annoyance with Numberring [1-9] when you select range of files it shows preview files numbered 1-9 if you Ctrl+Click one file to deselect it, then numbering does not update. say you desellect file number 5 and numbering should update for remaining files.

Re: BUG ctrl+click on file

PostPosted: Thu Sep 02, 2021 4:53 pm
by NewBorn
Another minor bug/annoyance when you have Remove First 555 + Numbering Prefix Start 0, Pad 2 and you select range of files with holding Sift key and clicking start file and end file for the range numbering starts with "zero".

However if you use your mouse and select range of files drawing selection box your numbering starts with "zero" at first file within selection box, if you don't release mouse and draw selection box down to select less files within selection box then numbering will not update, (numbering does not start with "zero" anymore)