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File name and status

PostPosted: Mon Aug 23, 2021 2:05 pm
by Joleun
During a renaming operation, I would normally see the file name in the file list updating to the new name as the renaming proceeds, and the status column is also updated at the same time. This is how it's always been until today. I still receive the confirmation message box at the end of the renaming, but nothing gets changed in the file view unless I press F5. I've tried uninstalling, and updtaing to the latest version, but I'm still receiving this behaviour. I'm not sure if I've inadvertently changed something, or there's something else.

Re: File name and status

PostPosted: Mon Aug 23, 2021 11:03 pm
by Joleun
Nevermind, I've realized that the difference occurs when using the move option during renaming which I've only utilized for the first time recently. I understand not seeing the updated file names as the files are no longer in the folder being displayed, but it's a pity the status of the renaming operation doesn't get shown.