Moving subfolders and file contents one level up

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Moving subfolders and file contents one level up

Postby jackson000 » Fri Nov 12, 2021 5:06 am

I have a lot of folders that contain subfolders, with files in those subfolders. I'd like to move the subfolders to the root folder instead.

From this:
\Root Folder
--Folder 1
----Folder A
--Folder 2
----Folder B

To this:
\Root folder
--Folder A
--Folder B

Is there a way to do this? Thank you.
Posts: 5
Joined: Sun Oct 18, 2020 4:04 am

Move subfolders and contents at 2-levels deep, up 1-level

Postby Luuk » Fri Nov 12, 2021 9:23 pm

RootFolder\Folder1\FolderA\all-content ---> RootFolder\FolderA\all-content
RootFolder\Folder2\FolderB\all-content ---> RootFolder\FolderB\all-content

First to put a checkmark inside the menu "Renaming Options, Advanced Options, Allow Using \ in Renaming Criteria".
Inside Filters(12) to put checkmarks in "Folders" and "Subfolders", and 2 inside of "Lvl", then to click the 'RootFolder'.
This so you can sort by "SubDir" inside of the file-listing, so then carefully only selecting which folders to be moved.
The Add(7) uses a "Prefix" like ..\ to move the selected folders and all of their contents up one level.

This could also not work, if there is already to be some folders there, with having the exact same names.
Then you would need to change the Filters(12), so then selecting files to be moved, instead of folders.
(and then just delete the empty 2-levels-deep folders, after eveything is getting moved).
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Joined: Fri Feb 21, 2020 10:58 pm

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